
type batchCursor

func (b *batchCursor) nextEvent(batches []batch, freq frequency) (ok bool, err error) {}

func (b *batchCursor) compare(a *batchCursor) int {}

// readTimedBaseEvent reads out the raw event data from b
// into e. It does not try to interpret the arguments
// but it does validate that the event is a regular
// event with a timestamp (vs. a structural event).
// It requires that the event its reading be timed, which must
// be the case for every event in a plain EventBatch.
func readTimedBaseEvent(b []byte, e *baseEvent) (int, timestamp, error) {}

func heapInsert(heap []*batchCursor, bc *batchCursor) []*batchCursor {}

func heapUpdate(heap []*batchCursor, i int) {}

func heapRemove(heap []*batchCursor, i int) []*batchCursor {}

func heapSiftUp(heap []*batchCursor, i int) int {}

func heapSiftDown(heap []*batchCursor, i int) int {}

func min3(b []*batchCursor, i0, i1, i2 int) int {}