
type EventKind

const EventBad

const EventSync

const EventMetric

const EventLabel

const EventStackSample

const EventRangeBegin

const EventRangeActive

const EventRangeEnd

const EventTaskBegin

const EventTaskEnd

const EventRegionBegin

const EventRegionEnd

const EventLog

const EventStateTransition

const EventExperimental

// String returns a string form of the EventKind.
func (e EventKind) String() string {}

var eventKindStrings

const maxTime

type Time

// Sub subtracts t0 from t, returning the duration in nanoseconds.
func (t Time) Sub(t0 Time) time.Duration {}

type Metric

type Label

type Range

type RangeAttribute

type TaskID

const NoTask

const BackgroundTask

type Task

type Region

type Log

type Stack

// Frames is an iterator over the frames in a Stack.
func (s Stack) Frames() iter.Seq[StackFrame] {}

var NoStack

type StackFrame

type ExperimentalEvent

type ExperimentalData

type ExperimentalBatch

type Event

// Kind returns the kind of event that this is.
func (e Event) Kind() EventKind {}

// Time returns the timestamp of the event.
func (e Event) Time() Time {}

// Goroutine returns the ID of the goroutine that was executing when
// this event happened. It describes part of the execution context
// for this event.
// Note that for goroutine state transitions this always refers to the
// state before the transition. For example, if a goroutine is just
// starting to run on this thread and/or proc, then this will return
// NoGoroutine. In this case, the goroutine starting to run will be
// can be found at Event.StateTransition().Resource.
func (e Event) Goroutine() GoID {}

// Proc returns the ID of the proc this event event pertains to.
// Note that for proc state transitions this always refers to the
// state before the transition. For example, if a proc is just
// starting to run on this thread, then this will return NoProc.
func (e Event) Proc() ProcID {}

// Thread returns the ID of the thread this event pertains to.
// Note that for thread state transitions this always refers to the
// state before the transition. For example, if a thread is just
// starting to run, then this will return NoThread.
// Note: tracking thread state is not currently supported, so this
// will always return a valid thread ID. However thread state transitions
// may be tracked in the future, and callers must be robust to this
// possibility.
func (e Event) Thread() ThreadID {}

// Stack returns a handle to a stack associated with the event.
// This represents a stack trace at the current moment in time for
// the current execution context.
func (e Event) Stack() Stack {}

// Metric returns details about a Metric event.
// Panics if Kind != EventMetric.
func (e Event) Metric() Metric {}

// Label returns details about a Label event.
// Panics if Kind != EventLabel.
func (e Event) Label() Label {}

// Range returns details about an EventRangeBegin, EventRangeActive, or EventRangeEnd event.
// Panics if Kind != EventRangeBegin, Kind != EventRangeActive, and Kind != EventRangeEnd.
func (e Event) Range() Range {}

// RangeAttributes returns attributes for a completed range.
// Panics if Kind != EventRangeEnd.
func (e Event) RangeAttributes() []RangeAttribute {}

// Task returns details about a TaskBegin or TaskEnd event.
// Panics if Kind != EventTaskBegin and Kind != EventTaskEnd.
func (e Event) Task() Task {}

// Region returns details about a RegionBegin or RegionEnd event.
// Panics if Kind != EventRegionBegin and Kind != EventRegionEnd.
func (e Event) Region() Region {}

// Log returns details about a Log event.
// Panics if Kind != EventLog.
func (e Event) Log() Log {}

// StateTransition returns details about a StateTransition event.
// Panics if Kind != EventStateTransition.
func (e Event) StateTransition() StateTransition {}

// Experimental returns a view of the raw event for an experimental event.
// Panics if Kind != EventExperimental.
func (e Event) Experimental() ExperimentalEvent {}

const evSync

var go122Type2Kind

var go122GoStatus2GoState

var go122ProcStatus2ProcState

// String returns the event as a human-readable string.
// The format of the string is intended for debugging and is subject to change.
func (e Event) String() string {}

// validateTableIDs checks to make sure lookups in e.table
// will work.
func (e Event) validateTableIDs() error {}

func syncEvent(table *evTable, ts Time) Event {}