
type MutatorUtil

type UtilFlags

const UtilSTW

const UtilBackground

const UtilAssist

const UtilSweep

const UtilPerProc

// MutatorUtilizationV2 returns a set of mutator utilization functions
// for the given v2 trace, passed as an io.Reader. Each function will
// always end with 0 utilization. The bounds of each function are implicit
// in the first and last event; outside of these bounds each function is
// undefined.
// If the UtilPerProc flag is not given, this always returns a single
// utilization function. Otherwise, it returns one function per P.
func MutatorUtilizationV2(events []Event, flags UtilFlags) [][]MutatorUtil {}

func addUtil(util []MutatorUtil, mu MutatorUtil) []MutatorUtil {}

type totalUtil

func totalUtilOf(meanUtil float64, dur int64) totalUtil {}

// mean returns the mean utilization over dur.
func (u totalUtil) mean(dur time.Duration) float64 {}

type MMUCurve

type mmuSeries

type mmuBand

// NewMMUCurve returns an MMU curve for the given mutator utilization
// function.
func NewMMUCurve(utils [][]MutatorUtil) *MMUCurve {}

var bandsPerSeries

func newMMUSeries(util []MutatorUtil) mmuSeries {}

func (s *mmuSeries) bandTime(i int) (start, end int64) {}

type bandUtil

type bandUtilHeap

func (h bandUtilHeap) Len() int {}

func (h bandUtilHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (h bandUtilHeap) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (h *bandUtilHeap) Push(x any) {}

func (h *bandUtilHeap) Pop() any {}

type UtilWindow

type utilHeap

func (h utilHeap) Len() int {}

func (h utilHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (h utilHeap) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (h *utilHeap) Push(x any) {}

func (h *utilHeap) Pop() any {}

type accumulator

// resetTime declares a discontinuity in the windowed mutator
// utilization function by resetting the current time.
func (acc *accumulator) resetTime() {}

// addMU adds a point to the windowed mutator utilization function at
// (time, mu). This must be called for monotonically increasing values
// of time.
// It returns true if further calls to addMU would be pointless.
func (acc *accumulator) addMU(time int64, mu float64, window time.Duration) bool {}

// MMU returns the minimum mutator utilization for the given time
// window. This is the minimum utilization for all windows of this
// duration across the execution. The returned value is in the range
// [0, 1].
func (c *MMUCurve) MMU(window time.Duration) (mmu float64) {}

// Examples returns n specific examples of the lowest mutator
// utilization for the given window size. The returned windows will be
// disjoint (otherwise there would be a huge number of
// mostly-overlapping windows at the single lowest point). There are
// no guarantees on which set of disjoint windows this returns.
func (c *MMUCurve) Examples(window time.Duration, n int) (worst []UtilWindow) {}

// MUD returns mutator utilization distribution quantiles for the
// given window size.
// The mutator utilization distribution is the distribution of mean
// mutator utilization across all windows of the given window size in
// the trace.
// The minimum mutator utilization is the minimum (0th percentile) of
// this distribution. (However, if only the minimum is desired, it's
// more efficient to use the MMU method.)
func (c *MMUCurve) MUD(window time.Duration, quantiles []float64) []float64 {}

func (c *MMUCurve) mmu(window time.Duration, acc *accumulator) {}

func (c *mmuSeries) mkBandUtil(series int, window time.Duration) []bandUtil {}

// bandMMU computes the precise minimum mutator utilization for
// windows with a left edge in band bandIdx.
func (c *mmuSeries) bandMMU(bandIdx int, window time.Duration, acc *accumulator) {}

type integrator

// advance returns the integral of the utilization function from 0 to
// time. advance must be called on monotonically increasing values of
// times.
func (in *integrator) advance(time int64) totalUtil {}

// next returns the smallest time t' > time of a change in the
// utilization function.
func (in *integrator) next(time int64) int64 {}

func isGCSTW(r Range) bool {}

func isGCMarkAssist(r Range) bool {}

func isGCSweep(r Range) bool {}