
type orderEvent

type gStatus

type gState

const gDead

const gRunnable

const gRunning

const gWaiting

const unordered

const garbage

const noseq

const seqinc

// stateTransition returns goroutine state (sequence and status) when the event
// becomes ready for merging (init) and the goroutine state after the event (next).
func stateTransition(ev *Event) (g uint64, init, next gState) {}

func transitionReady(g uint64, curr, init gState) bool {}

func transition(gs map[uint64]gState, g uint64, init, next gState) error {}

type orderEventList

func (l *orderEventList) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (h *orderEventList) Push(x orderEvent) {}

func (h *orderEventList) Pop() orderEvent {}

func heapUp(h *orderEventList, j int) {}

func heapDown(h *orderEventList, i0, n int) bool {}