
type mud

const mudDegree

type edge

// add adds a uniform function over [l, r] scaled so the total weight
// of the uniform is area. If l==r, this adds a Dirac delta function.
func (d *mud) add(l, r, area float64) {}

// setTrackMass sets the mass to track the inverse cumulative sum for.
// Specifically, mass is a cumulative duration, and the mutator
// utilization bounds for this duration can be queried using
// approxInvCumulativeSum.
func (d *mud) setTrackMass(mass float64) {}

// approxInvCumulativeSum is like invCumulativeSum, but specifically
// operates on the tracked mass and returns an upper and lower bound
// approximation of the inverse cumulative sum.
// The true inverse cumulative sum will be in the range [lower, upper).
func (d *mud) approxInvCumulativeSum() (float64, float64, bool) {}

// invCumulativeSum returns x such that the integral of d from -∞ to x
// is y. If the total weight of d is less than y, it returns the
// maximum of the distribution and false.
// Specifically, y is a cumulative duration, and invCumulativeSum
// returns the mutator utilization x such that at least y time has
// been spent with mutator utilization <= x.
func (d *mud) invCumulativeSum(y float64) (float64, bool) {}