
type oldTraceConverter

const sForever

const sPreempted

const sGosched

const sSleep

const sChanSend

const sChanRecv

const sNetwork

const sSync

const sSyncCond

const sSelect

const sEmpty

const sMarkAssistWait

const sSTWUnknown

const sSTWGCMarkTermination

const sSTWGCSweepTermination

const sSTWWriteHeapDump

const sSTWGoroutineProfile

const sSTWGoroutineProfileCleanup

const sSTWAllGoroutinesStackTrace

const sSTWReadMemStats

const sSTWAllThreadsSyscall


const sSTWStartTrace

const sSTWStopTrace

const sSTWCountPagesInUse

const sSTWReadMetricsSlow

const sSTWReadMemStatsSlow

const sSTWPageCachePagesLeaked

const sSTWResetDebugLog

const sLast

func (it *oldTraceConverter) init(pr oldtrace.Trace) error {}

// next returns the next event, io.EOF if there are no more events, or a
// descriptive error for invalid events.
func (it *oldTraceConverter) next() (Event, error) {}

var errSkip

// convertEvent converts an event from the old trace format to zero or more
// events in the new format. Most events translate 1 to 1. Some events don't
// result in an event right away, in which case convertEvent returns errSkip.
// Some events result in more than one new event; in this case, convertEvent
// returns the first event and stores additional events in it.extra. When
// encountering events that oldtrace shouldn't be able to emit, ocnvertEvent
// returns a descriptive error.
func (it *oldTraceConverter) convertEvent(ev *oldtrace.Event) (OUT Event, ERR error) {}

// convertOldFormat takes a fully loaded trace in the old trace format and
// returns an iterator over events in the new format.
func convertOldFormat(pr oldtrace.Trace) *oldTraceConverter {}