
type ordering

// Advance checks if it's valid to proceed with ev which came from thread m.
// It assumes the gen value passed to it is monotonically increasing across calls.
// If any error is returned, then the trace is broken and trace parsing must cease.
// If it's not valid to advance with ev, but no error was encountered, the caller
// should attempt to advance with other candidate events from other threads. If the
// caller runs out of candidates, the trace is invalid.
// If this returns true, Next is guaranteed to return a complete event. However,
// multiple events may be added to the ordering, so the caller should (but is not
// required to) continue to call Next until it is exhausted.
func (o *ordering) Advance(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64) (bool, error) {}

type orderingHandleFunc

var orderingDispatch

func (o *ordering) advanceProcStatus(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceProcStart(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceProcStop(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceProcSteal(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoStatus(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoCreate(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoStopExec(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoStart(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoUnblock(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoSwitch(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoSyscallBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoSyscallEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoSyscallEndBlocked(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoCreateSyscall(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoDestroySyscall(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceUserTaskBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceUserTaskEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceUserRegionBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceUserRegionEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

// Handle the GC mark phase.
// We have sequence numbers for both start and end because they
// can happen on completely different threads. We want an explicit
// partial order edge between start and end here, otherwise we're
// relying entirely on timestamps to make sure we don't advance a
// GCEnd for a _different_ GC cycle if timestamps are wildly broken.
func (o *ordering) advanceGCActive(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGCBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGCEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceAnnotation(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceHeapMetric(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGCSweepBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGCSweepActive(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGCSweepEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoRangeBegin(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoRangeActive(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceGoRangeEnd(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

func (o *ordering) advanceAllocFree(ev *baseEvent, evt *evTable, m ThreadID, gen uint64, curCtx schedCtx) (schedCtx, bool, error) {}

// Next returns the next event in the ordering.
func (o *ordering) Next() (Event, bool) {}

type schedCtx

// validateCtx ensures that ctx conforms to some reqs, returning an error if
// it doesn't.
func validateCtx(ctx schedCtx, reqs event.SchedReqs) error {}

type gcState

const gcUndetermined

const gcNotRunning

const gcRunning

// String returns a human-readable string for the GC state.
func (s gcState) String() string {}

type userRegion

type rangeType

// makeRangeType constructs a new rangeType.
func makeRangeType(typ event.Type, desc stringID) rangeType {}

type gState

// beginRegion starts a user region on the goroutine.
func (s *gState) beginRegion(r userRegion) error {}

// endRegion ends a user region on the goroutine.
func (s *gState) endRegion(r userRegion) error {}

type pState

type mState

type rangeState

// beginRange begins a special range in time on the goroutine.
// Returns an error if the range is already in progress.
func (s *rangeState) beginRange(typ rangeType) error {}

// activeRange marks special range in time on the goroutine as active in the
// initial generation, or confirms that it is indeed active in later generations.
func (s *rangeState) activeRange(typ rangeType, isInitialGen bool) error {}

// hasRange returns true if a special time range on the goroutine as in progress.
func (s *rangeState) hasRange(typ rangeType) bool {}

// endRange ends a special range in time on the goroutine.
// This must line up with the start event type  of the range the goroutine is currently in.
func (s *rangeState) endRange(typ event.Type) (stringID, error) {}

type seqCounter

// makeSeq creates a new seqCounter.
func makeSeq(gen, seq uint64) seqCounter {}

// succeeds returns true if a is the immediate successor of b.
func (a seqCounter) succeeds(b seqCounter) bool {}

// String returns a debug string representation of the seqCounter.
func (c seqCounter) String() string {}

func dumpOrdering(order *ordering) string {}

type taskState

type queue

// push adds a new event to the back of the queue.
func (q *queue[T]) push(value T) {}

// grow increases the size of the queue.
func (q *queue[T]) grow() {}

// pop removes an event from the front of the queue. If the
// queue is empty, it returns an EventBad event.
func (q *queue[T]) pop() (T, bool) {}

// makeEvent creates an Event from the provided information.
// It's just a convenience function; it's always OK to construct
// an Event manually if this isn't quite the right way to express
// the contents of the event.
func makeEvent(table *evTable, ctx schedCtx, typ event.Type, time Time, args ...uint64) Event {}