
type Summary

type GoroutineSummary

type UserTaskSummary

// Complete returns true if we have complete information about the task
// from the trace: both a start and an end.
func (s *UserTaskSummary) Complete() bool {}

// Descendents returns a slice consisting of itself (always the first task returned),
// and the transitive closure of all of its children.
func (s *UserTaskSummary) Descendents() []*UserTaskSummary {}

type UserRegionSummary

type GoroutineExecStats

func (s GoroutineExecStats) NonOverlappingStats() map[string]time.Duration {}

// UnknownTime returns whatever isn't accounted for in TotalTime.
func (s GoroutineExecStats) UnknownTime() time.Duration {}

// sub returns the stats v-s.
func (s GoroutineExecStats) sub(v GoroutineExecStats) (r GoroutineExecStats) {}

func (s GoroutineExecStats) clone() (r GoroutineExecStats) {}

// snapshotStat returns the snapshot of the goroutine execution statistics.
// This is called as we process the ordered trace event stream. lastTs is used
// to process pending statistics if this is called before any goroutine end event.
func (g *GoroutineSummary) snapshotStat(lastTs Time) (ret GoroutineExecStats) {}

// finalize is called when processing a goroutine end event or at
// the end of trace processing. This finalizes the execution stat
// and any active regions in the goroutine, in which case trigger is nil.
func (g *GoroutineSummary) finalize(lastTs Time, trigger *Event) {}

type goroutineSummary

type Summarizer

// NewSummarizer creates a new struct to build goroutine stats from a trace.
func NewSummarizer() *Summarizer {}

type rangeP

// Event feeds a single event into the stats summarizer.
func (s *Summarizer) Event(ev *Event) {}

func (s *Summarizer) getOrAddTask(id TaskID) *UserTaskSummary {}

// Finalize indicates to the summarizer that we're done processing the trace.
// It cleans up any remaining state and returns the full summary.
func (s *Summarizer) Finalize() *Summary {}

// RelatedGoroutinesV2 finds a set of goroutines related to goroutine goid for v2 traces.
// The association is based on whether they have synchronized with each other in the Go
// scheduler (one has unblocked another).
func RelatedGoroutinesV2(events []Event, goid GoID) map[GoID]struct{}

func IsSystemGoroutine(entryFn string) bool {}