
type MutatorUtilFunc

func MMUHandlerFunc(ranges []Range, f MutatorUtilFunc) http.HandlerFunc {}

var utilFlagNames

func requestUtilFlags(r *http.Request) trace.UtilFlags {}

type mmuCacheEntry

type mmu

func (m *mmu) get(flags trace.UtilFlags) ([][]trace.MutatorUtil, *trace.MMUCurve, error) {}

// HandlePlot serves the JSON data for the MMU plot.
func (m *mmu) HandlePlot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}

var templMMU

// HandleDetails serves details of an MMU graph at a particular window.
func (m *mmu) HandleDetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}

type linkedUtilWindow

func (m *mmu) newLinkedUtilWindow(ui trace.UtilWindow, window time.Duration) linkedUtilWindow {}