
const debug

// compressedBlock decompresses a compressed block, storing the decompressed
// data in r.buffer. The blockSize argument is the compressed size.
// RFC
func (r *Reader) compressedBlock(blockSize int) error {}

type seqCode

const seqLiteral

const seqOffset

const seqMatch

type seqCodeInfoData

var seqCodeInfo

// initSeqs reads the Sequences_Section_Header and sets up the FSE
// tables used to read the sequence codes. It returns the number of
// sequences and the new offset. RFC
func (r *Reader) initSeqs(data block, off int) (int, int, error) {}

// setSeqTable uses the Compression_Mode in mode to set up r.seqTables and
// r.seqTableBits for kind. We store these in the Reader because one of
// the modes simply reuses the value from the last block in the frame.
func (r *Reader) setSeqTable(data block, off int, kind seqCode, mode byte) (int, error) {}

// execSeqs reads and executes the sequences. RFC
func (r *Reader) execSeqs(data block, off int, litbuf []byte, seqCount int) error {}

// Copy match bytes from the decoded output, or the window, at offset.
func (r *Reader) copyFromWindow(rbr *reverseBitReader, offset, match uint32) error {}