
var SkipDir

var SkipAll

type WalkDirFunc

// walkDir recursively descends path, calling walkDirFn.
func walkDir(fsys FS, name string, d DirEntry, walkDirFn WalkDirFunc) error {}

// WalkDir walks the file tree rooted at root, calling fn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root.
// All errors that arise visiting files and directories are filtered by fn:
// see the [fs.WalkDirFunc] documentation for details.
// The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic
// but requires WalkDir to read an entire directory into memory before proceeding
// to walk that directory.
// WalkDir does not follow symbolic links found in directories,
// but if root itself is a symbolic link, its target will be walked.
func WalkDir(fsys FS, root string, fn WalkDirFunc) error {}