
const SeekStart

const SeekCurrent

const SeekEnd

var ErrShortWrite

var errInvalidWrite

var ErrShortBuffer

var EOF

var ErrUnexpectedEOF

var ErrNoProgress

type Reader

type Writer

type Closer

type Seeker

type ReadWriter

type ReadCloser

type WriteCloser

type ReadWriteCloser

type ReadSeeker

type ReadSeekCloser

type WriteSeeker

type ReadWriteSeeker

type ReaderFrom

type WriterTo

type ReaderAt

type WriterAt

type ByteReader

type ByteScanner

type ByteWriter

type RuneReader

type RuneScanner

type StringWriter

// WriteString writes the contents of the string s to w, which accepts a slice of bytes.
// If w implements [StringWriter], [StringWriter.WriteString] is invoked directly.
// Otherwise, [Writer.Write] is called exactly once.
func WriteString(w Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {}

// ReadAtLeast reads from r into buf until it has read at least min bytes.
// It returns the number of bytes copied and an error if fewer bytes were read.
// The error is EOF only if no bytes were read.
// If an EOF happens after reading fewer than min bytes,
// ReadAtLeast returns [ErrUnexpectedEOF].
// If min is greater than the length of buf, ReadAtLeast returns [ErrShortBuffer].
// On return, n >= min if and only if err == nil.
// If r returns an error having read at least min bytes, the error is dropped.
func ReadAtLeast(r Reader, buf []byte, min int) (n int, err error) {}

// ReadFull reads exactly len(buf) bytes from r into buf.
// It returns the number of bytes copied and an error if fewer bytes were read.
// The error is EOF only if no bytes were read.
// If an EOF happens after reading some but not all the bytes,
// ReadFull returns [ErrUnexpectedEOF].
// On return, n == len(buf) if and only if err == nil.
// If r returns an error having read at least len(buf) bytes, the error is dropped.
func ReadFull(r Reader, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// CopyN copies n bytes (or until an error) from src to dst.
// It returns the number of bytes copied and the earliest
// error encountered while copying.
// On return, written == n if and only if err == nil.
// If dst implements [ReaderFrom], the copy is implemented using it.
func CopyN(dst Writer, src Reader, n int64) (written int64, err error) {}

// Copy copies from src to dst until either EOF is reached
// on src or an error occurs. It returns the number of bytes
// copied and the first error encountered while copying, if any.
// A successful Copy returns err == nil, not err == EOF.
// Because Copy is defined to read from src until EOF, it does
// not treat an EOF from Read as an error to be reported.
// If src implements [WriterTo],
// the copy is implemented by calling src.WriteTo(dst).
// Otherwise, if dst implements [ReaderFrom],
// the copy is implemented by calling dst.ReadFrom(src).
func Copy(dst Writer, src Reader) (written int64, err error) {}

// CopyBuffer is identical to Copy except that it stages through the
// provided buffer (if one is required) rather than allocating a
// temporary one. If buf is nil, one is allocated; otherwise if it has
// zero length, CopyBuffer panics.
// If either src implements [WriterTo] or dst implements [ReaderFrom],
// buf will not be used to perform the copy.
func CopyBuffer(dst Writer, src Reader, buf []byte) (written int64, err error) {}

// copyBuffer is the actual implementation of Copy and CopyBuffer.
// if buf is nil, one is allocated.
func copyBuffer(dst Writer, src Reader, buf []byte) (written int64, err error) {}

// LimitReader returns a Reader that reads from r
// but stops with EOF after n bytes.
// The underlying implementation is a *LimitedReader.
func LimitReader(r Reader, n int64) Reader {}

type LimitedReader

func (l *LimitedReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// NewSectionReader returns a [SectionReader] that reads from r
// starting at offset off and stops with EOF after n bytes.
func NewSectionReader(r ReaderAt, off int64, n int64) *SectionReader {}

type SectionReader

func (s *SectionReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var errWhence

var errOffset

func (s *SectionReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {}

func (s *SectionReader) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {}

// Size returns the size of the section in bytes.
func (s *SectionReader) Size() int64 {}

// Outer returns the underlying [ReaderAt] and offsets for the section.
// The returned values are the same that were passed to [NewSectionReader]
// when the [SectionReader] was created.
func (s *SectionReader) Outer() (r ReaderAt, off int64, n int64) {}

type OffsetWriter

// NewOffsetWriter returns an [OffsetWriter] that writes to w
// starting at offset off.
func NewOffsetWriter(w WriterAt, off int64) *OffsetWriter {}

func (o *OffsetWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func (o *OffsetWriter) WriteAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {}

func (o *OffsetWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {}

// TeeReader returns a [Reader] that writes to w what it reads from r.
// All reads from r performed through it are matched with
// corresponding writes to w. There is no internal buffering -
// the write must complete before the read completes.
// Any error encountered while writing is reported as a read error.
func TeeReader(r Reader, w Writer) Reader {}

type teeReader

func (t *teeReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var Discard

type discard

var _

func (discard) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {}

func (discard) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {}

var blackHolePool

func (discard) ReadFrom(r Reader) (n int64, err error) {}

// NopCloser returns a [ReadCloser] with a no-op Close method wrapping
// the provided [Reader] r.
// If r implements [WriterTo], the returned [ReadCloser] will implement [WriterTo]
// by forwarding calls to r.
func NopCloser(r Reader) ReadCloser {}

type nopCloser

func (nopCloser) Close() error {}

type nopCloserWriterTo

func (nopCloserWriterTo) Close() error {}

func (c nopCloserWriterTo) WriteTo(w Writer) (n int64, err error) {}

// ReadAll reads from r until an error or EOF and returns the data it read.
// A successful call returns err == nil, not err == EOF. Because ReadAll is
// defined to read from src until EOF, it does not treat an EOF from Read
// as an error to be reported.
func ReadAll(r Reader) ([]byte, error) {}