
type LevelHandler

// NewLevelHandler returns a LevelHandler with the given level.
// All methods except Enabled delegate to h.
func NewLevelHandler(level slog.Leveler, h slog.Handler) *LevelHandler {}

// Enabled implements Handler.Enabled by reporting whether
// level is at least as large as h's level.
func (h *LevelHandler) Enabled(_ context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {}

// Handle implements Handler.Handle.
func (h *LevelHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {}

// WithAttrs implements Handler.WithAttrs.
func (h *LevelHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {}

// WithGroup implements Handler.WithGroup.
func (h *LevelHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {}

// Handler returns the Handler wrapped by h.
func (h *LevelHandler) Handler() slog.Handler {}

// This example shows how to Use a LevelHandler to change the level of an
// existing Handler while preserving its other behavior.
// This example demonstrates increasing the log level to reduce a logger's
// output.
// Another typical use would be to decrease the log level (to LevelDebug, say)
// during a part of the program that was suspected of containing a bug.
func ExampleHandler_levelHandler() {}