
const nAttrsInline

type Record

// NewRecord creates a [Record] from the given arguments.
// Use [Record.AddAttrs] to add attributes to the Record.
// NewRecord is intended for logging APIs that want to support a [Handler] as
// a backend.
func NewRecord(t time.Time, level Level, msg string, pc uintptr) Record {}

// Clone returns a copy of the record with no shared state.
// The original record and the clone can both be modified
// without interfering with each other.
func (r Record) Clone() Record {}

// NumAttrs returns the number of attributes in the [Record].
func (r Record) NumAttrs() int {}

// Attrs calls f on each Attr in the [Record].
// Iteration stops if f returns false.
func (r Record) Attrs(f func(Attr) bool) {}

// AddAttrs appends the given Attrs to the [Record]'s list of Attrs.
// It omits empty groups.
func (r *Record) AddAttrs(attrs ...Attr) {}

// Add converts the args to Attrs as described in [Logger.Log],
// then appends the Attrs to the [Record]'s list of Attrs.
// It omits empty groups.
func (r *Record) Add(args ...any) {}

// countAttrs returns the number of Attrs that would be created from args.
func countAttrs(args []any) int {}

const badKey

// argsToAttr turns a prefix of the nonempty args slice into an Attr
// and returns the unconsumed portion of the slice.
// If args[0] is an Attr, it returns it.
// If args[0] is a string, it treats the first two elements as
// a key-value pair.
// Otherwise, it treats args[0] as a value with a missing key.
func argsToAttr(args []any) (Attr, []any) {}

type Source

// group returns the non-zero fields of s as a slice of attrs.
// It is similar to a LogValue method, but we don't want Source
// to implement LogValuer because it would be resolved before
// the ReplaceAttr function was called.
func (s *Source) group() Value {}

// source returns a Source for the log event.
// If the Record was created without the necessary information,
// or if the location is unavailable, it returns a non-nil *Source
// with zero fields.
func (r Record) source() *Source {}