
type decimal

// at returns the i'th mantissa digit, starting with the most significant digit at 0.
func (d *decimal) at(i int) byte {}

const maxShift

// Init initializes x to the decimal representation of m << shift (for
// shift >= 0), or m >> -shift (for shift < 0).
func (x *decimal) init(m nat, shift int) {}

// shr implements x >> s, for s <= maxShift.
func shr(x *decimal, s uint) {}

func (x *decimal) String() string {}

// appendZeros appends n 0 digits to buf and returns buf.
func appendZeros(buf []byte, n int) []byte {}

// shouldRoundUp reports if x should be rounded up
// if shortened to n digits. n must be a valid index
// for x.mant.
func shouldRoundUp(x *decimal, n int) bool {}

// round sets x to (at most) n mantissa digits by rounding it
// to the nearest even value with n (or fever) mantissa digits.
// If n < 0, x remains unchanged.
func (x *decimal) round(n int) {}

func (x *decimal) roundUp(n int) {}

func (x *decimal) roundDown(n int) {}

// trim cuts off any trailing zeros from x's mantissa;
// they are meaningless for the value of x.
func trim(x *decimal) {}