
const debugFloat

type Float

type ErrNaN

func (err ErrNaN) Error() string {}

// NewFloat allocates and returns a new [Float] set to x,
// with precision 53 and rounding mode [ToNearestEven].
// NewFloat panics with [ErrNaN] if x is a NaN.
func NewFloat(x float64) *Float {}

const MaxExp

const MinExp

const MaxPrec

type form

const zero

const finite

const inf

type RoundingMode

const ToNearestEven

const ToNearestAway

const ToZero

const AwayFromZero

const ToNegativeInf

const ToPositiveInf

type Accuracy

const Below

const Exact

const Above

// SetPrec sets z's precision to prec and returns the (possibly) rounded
// value of z. Rounding occurs according to z's rounding mode if the mantissa
// cannot be represented in prec bits without loss of precision.
// SetPrec(0) maps all finite values to ±0; infinite values remain unchanged.
// If prec > [MaxPrec], it is set to [MaxPrec].
func (z *Float) SetPrec(prec uint) *Float {}

func makeAcc(above bool) Accuracy {}

// SetMode sets z's rounding mode to mode and returns an exact z.
// z remains unchanged otherwise.
// z.SetMode(z.Mode()) is a cheap way to set z's accuracy to [Exact].
func (z *Float) SetMode(mode RoundingMode) *Float {}

// Prec returns the mantissa precision of x in bits.
// The result may be 0 for |x| == 0 and |x| == Inf.
func (x *Float) Prec() uint {}

// MinPrec returns the minimum precision required to represent x exactly
// (i.e., the smallest prec before x.SetPrec(prec) would start rounding x).
// The result is 0 for |x| == 0 and |x| == Inf.
func (x *Float) MinPrec() uint {}

// Mode returns the rounding mode of x.
func (x *Float) Mode() RoundingMode {}

// Acc returns the accuracy of x produced by the most recent
// operation, unless explicitly documented otherwise by that
// operation.
func (x *Float) Acc() Accuracy {}

// Sign returns:
//   - -1 if x < 0;
//   - 0 if x is ±0;
//   - +1 if x > 0.
func (x *Float) Sign() int {}

// MantExp breaks x into its mantissa and exponent components
// and returns the exponent. If a non-nil mant argument is
// provided its value is set to the mantissa of x, with the
// same precision and rounding mode as x. The components
// satisfy x == mant × 2**exp, with 0.5 <= |mant| < 1.0.
// Calling MantExp with a nil argument is an efficient way to
// get the exponent of the receiver.
// Special cases are:
//	(  ±0).MantExp(mant) = 0, with mant set to   ±0
//	(±Inf).MantExp(mant) = 0, with mant set to ±Inf
// x and mant may be the same in which case x is set to its
// mantissa value.
func (x *Float) MantExp(mant *Float) (exp int) {}

func (z *Float) setExpAndRound(exp int64, sbit uint) {}

// SetMantExp sets z to mant × 2**exp and returns z.
// The result z has the same precision and rounding mode
// as mant. SetMantExp is an inverse of [Float.MantExp] but does
// not require 0.5 <= |mant| < 1.0. Specifically, for a
// given x of type *[Float], SetMantExp relates to [Float.MantExp]
// as follows:
//	mant := new(Float)
//	new(Float).SetMantExp(mant, x.MantExp(mant)).Cmp(x) == 0
// Special cases are:
//	z.SetMantExp(  ±0, exp) =   ±0
//	z.SetMantExp(±Inf, exp) = ±Inf
// z and mant may be the same in which case z's exponent
// is set to exp.
func (z *Float) SetMantExp(mant *Float, exp int) *Float {}

// Signbit reports whether x is negative or negative zero.
func (x *Float) Signbit() bool {}

// IsInf reports whether x is +Inf or -Inf.
func (x *Float) IsInf() bool {}

// IsInt reports whether x is an integer.
// ±Inf values are not integers.
func (x *Float) IsInt() bool {}

// debugging support
func (x *Float) validate() {}

func (x *Float) validate0() string {}

// round rounds z according to z.mode to z.prec bits and sets z.acc accordingly.
// sbit must be 0 or 1 and summarizes any "sticky bit" information one might
// have before calling round. z's mantissa must be normalized (with the msb set)
// or empty.
// CAUTION: The rounding modes [ToNegativeInf], [ToPositiveInf] are affected by the
// sign of z. For correct rounding, the sign of z must be set correctly before
// calling round.
func (z *Float) round(sbit uint) {}

func (z *Float) setBits64(neg bool, x uint64) *Float {}

// SetUint64 sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to 64 (and rounding will have
// no effect).
func (z *Float) SetUint64(x uint64) *Float {}

// SetInt64 sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to 64 (and rounding will have
// no effect).
func (z *Float) SetInt64(x int64) *Float {}

// SetFloat64 sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to 53 (and rounding will have
// no effect). SetFloat64 panics with [ErrNaN] if x is a NaN.
func (z *Float) SetFloat64(x float64) *Float {}

// fnorm normalizes mantissa m by shifting it to the left
// such that the msb of the most-significant word (msw) is 1.
// It returns the shift amount. It assumes that len(m) != 0.
func fnorm(m nat) int64 {}

// SetInt sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to the larger of x.BitLen()
// or 64 (and rounding will have no effect).
func (z *Float) SetInt(x *Int) *Float {}

// SetRat sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to the largest of a.BitLen(),
// b.BitLen(), or 64; with x = a/b.
func (z *Float) SetRat(x *Rat) *Float {}

// SetInf sets z to the infinite Float -Inf if signbit is
// set, or +Inf if signbit is not set, and returns z. The
// precision of z is unchanged and the result is always
// [Exact].
func (z *Float) SetInf(signbit bool) *Float {}

// Set sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x and returns z.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to the precision of x
// before setting z (and rounding will have no effect).
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision and rounding
// mode; and z's accuracy reports the result error relative to the
// exact (not rounded) result.
func (z *Float) Set(x *Float) *Float {}

// Copy sets z to x, with the same precision, rounding mode, and accuracy as x.
// Copy returns z. If x and z are identical, Copy is a no-op.
func (z *Float) Copy(x *Float) *Float {}

// msb32 returns the 32 most significant bits of x.
func msb32(x nat) uint32 {}

// msb64 returns the 64 most significant bits of x.
func msb64(x nat) uint64 {}

// Uint64 returns the unsigned integer resulting from truncating x
// towards zero. If 0 <= x <= [math.MaxUint64], the result is [Exact]
// if x is an integer and [Below] otherwise.
// The result is (0, [Above]) for x < 0, and ([math.MaxUint64], [Below])
// for x > [math.MaxUint64].
func (x *Float) Uint64() (uint64, Accuracy) {}

// Int64 returns the integer resulting from truncating x towards zero.
// If [math.MinInt64] <= x <= [math.MaxInt64], the result is [Exact] if x is
// an integer, and [Above] (x < 0) or [Below] (x > 0) otherwise.
// The result is ([math.MinInt64], [Above]) for x < [math.MinInt64],
// and ([math.MaxInt64], [Below]) for x > [math.MaxInt64].
func (x *Float) Int64() (int64, Accuracy) {}

// Float32 returns the float32 value nearest to x. If x is too small to be
// represented by a float32 (|x| < [math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32]), the result
// is (0, [Below]) or (-0, [Above]), respectively, depending on the sign of x.
// If x is too large to be represented by a float32 (|x| > [math.MaxFloat32]),
// the result is (+Inf, [Above]) or (-Inf, [Below]), depending on the sign of x.
func (x *Float) Float32() (float32, Accuracy) {}

// Float64 returns the float64 value nearest to x. If x is too small to be
// represented by a float64 (|x| < [math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64]), the result
// is (0, [Below]) or (-0, [Above]), respectively, depending on the sign of x.
// If x is too large to be represented by a float64 (|x| > [math.MaxFloat64]),
// the result is (+Inf, [Above]) or (-Inf, [Below]), depending on the sign of x.
func (x *Float) Float64() (float64, Accuracy) {}

// Int returns the result of truncating x towards zero;
// or nil if x is an infinity.
// The result is [Exact] if x.IsInt(); otherwise it is [Below]
// for x > 0, and [Above] for x < 0.
// If a non-nil *[Int] argument z is provided, [Int] stores
// the result in z instead of allocating a new [Int].
func (x *Float) Int(z *Int) (*Int, Accuracy) {}

// Rat returns the rational number corresponding to x;
// or nil if x is an infinity.
// The result is [Exact] if x is not an Inf.
// If a non-nil *[Rat] argument z is provided, [Rat] stores
// the result in z instead of allocating a new [Rat].
func (x *Float) Rat(z *Rat) (*Rat, Accuracy) {}

// Abs sets z to the (possibly rounded) value |x| (the absolute value of x)
// and returns z.
func (z *Float) Abs(x *Float) *Float {}

// Neg sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of x with its sign negated,
// and returns z.
func (z *Float) Neg(x *Float) *Float {}

func validateBinaryOperands(x, y *Float) {}

// z = x + y, ignoring signs of x and y for the addition
// but using the sign of z for rounding the result.
// x and y must have a non-empty mantissa and valid exponent.
func (z *Float) uadd(x, y *Float) {}

// z = x - y for |x| > |y|, ignoring signs of x and y for the subtraction
// but using the sign of z for rounding the result.
// x and y must have a non-empty mantissa and valid exponent.
func (z *Float) usub(x, y *Float) {}

// z = x * y, ignoring signs of x and y for the multiplication
// but using the sign of z for rounding the result.
// x and y must have a non-empty mantissa and valid exponent.
func (z *Float) umul(x, y *Float) {}

// z = x / y, ignoring signs of x and y for the division
// but using the sign of z for rounding the result.
// x and y must have a non-empty mantissa and valid exponent.
func (z *Float) uquo(x, y *Float) {}

// ucmp returns -1, 0, or +1, depending on whether
// |x| < |y|, |x| == |y|, or |x| > |y|.
// x and y must have a non-empty mantissa and valid exponent.
func (x *Float) ucmp(y *Float) int {}

// Add sets z to the rounded sum x+y and returns z. If z's precision is 0,
// it is changed to the larger of x's or y's precision before the operation.
// Rounding is performed according to z's precision and rounding mode; and
// z's accuracy reports the result error relative to the exact (not rounded)
// result. Add panics with [ErrNaN] if x and y are infinities with opposite
// signs. The value of z is undefined in that case.
func (z *Float) Add(x, y *Float) *Float {}

// Sub sets z to the rounded difference x-y and returns z.
// Precision, rounding, and accuracy reporting are as for [Float.Add].
// Sub panics with [ErrNaN] if x and y are infinities with equal
// signs. The value of z is undefined in that case.
func (z *Float) Sub(x, y *Float) *Float {}

// Mul sets z to the rounded product x*y and returns z.
// Precision, rounding, and accuracy reporting are as for [Float.Add].
// Mul panics with [ErrNaN] if one operand is zero and the other
// operand an infinity. The value of z is undefined in that case.
func (z *Float) Mul(x, y *Float) *Float {}

// Quo sets z to the rounded quotient x/y and returns z.
// Precision, rounding, and accuracy reporting are as for [Float.Add].
// Quo panics with [ErrNaN] if both operands are zero or infinities.
// The value of z is undefined in that case.
func (z *Float) Quo(x, y *Float) *Float {}

// Cmp compares x and y and returns:
//   - -1 if x < y;
//   - 0 if x == y (incl. -0 == 0, -Inf == -Inf, and +Inf == +Inf);
//   - +1 if x > y.
func (x *Float) Cmp(y *Float) int {}

// ord classifies x and returns:
//	-2 if -Inf == x
//	-1 if -Inf < x < 0
//	 0 if x == 0 (signed or unsigned)
//	+1 if 0 < x < +Inf
//	+2 if x == +Inf
func (x *Float) ord() int {}

func umax32(x, y uint32) uint32 {}