
var floatZero

// SetString sets z to the value of s and returns z and a boolean indicating
// success. s must be a floating-point number of the same format as accepted
// by [Float.Parse], with base argument 0. The entire string (not just a prefix) must
// be valid for success. If the operation failed, the value of z is undefined
// but the returned value is nil.
func (z *Float) SetString(s string) (*Float, bool) {}

// scan is like Parse but reads the longest possible prefix representing a valid
// floating point number from an io.ByteScanner rather than a string. It serves
// as the implementation of Parse. It does not recognize ±Inf and does not expect
// EOF at the end.
func (z *Float) scan(r io.ByteScanner, base int) (f *Float, b int, err error) {}

var pow5tab

// pow5 sets z to 5**n and returns z.
// n must not be negative.
func (z *Float) pow5(n uint64) *Float {}

// Parse parses s which must contain a text representation of a floating-
// point number with a mantissa in the given conversion base (the exponent
// is always a decimal number), or a string representing an infinite value.
// For base 0, an underscore character “_” may appear between a base
// prefix and an adjacent digit, and between successive digits; such
// underscores do not change the value of the number, or the returned
// digit count. Incorrect placement of underscores is reported as an
// error if there are no other errors. If base != 0, underscores are
// not recognized and thus terminate scanning like any other character
// that is not a valid radix point or digit.
// It sets z to the (possibly rounded) value of the corresponding floating-
// point value, and returns z, the actual base b, and an error err, if any.
// The entire string (not just a prefix) must be consumed for success.
// If z's precision is 0, it is changed to 64 before rounding takes effect.
// The number must be of the form:
//	number    = [ sign ] ( float | "inf" | "Inf" ) .
//	sign      = "+" | "-" .
//	float     = ( mantissa | prefix pmantissa ) [ exponent ] .
//	prefix    = "0" [ "b" | "B" | "o" | "O" | "x" | "X" ] .
//	mantissa  = digits "." [ digits ] | digits | "." digits .
//	pmantissa = [ "_" ] digits "." [ digits ] | [ "_" ] digits | "." digits .
//	exponent  = ( "e" | "E" | "p" | "P" ) [ sign ] digits .
//	digits    = digit { [ "_" ] digit } .
//	digit     = "0" ... "9" | "a" ... "z" | "A" ... "Z" .
// The base argument must be 0, 2, 8, 10, or 16. Providing an invalid base
// argument will lead to a run-time panic.
// For base 0, the number prefix determines the actual base: A prefix of
// “0b” or “0B” selects base 2, “0o” or “0O” selects base 8, and
// “0x” or “0X” selects base 16. Otherwise, the actual base is 10 and
// no prefix is accepted. The octal prefix "0" is not supported (a leading
// "0" is simply considered a "0").
// A "p" or "P" exponent indicates a base 2 (rather than base 10) exponent;
// for instance, "0x1.fffffffffffffp1023" (using base 0) represents the
// maximum float64 value. For hexadecimal mantissae, the exponent character
// must be one of 'p' or 'P', if present (an "e" or "E" exponent indicator
// cannot be distinguished from a mantissa digit).
// The returned *Float f is nil and the value of z is valid but not
// defined if an error is reported.
func (z *Float) Parse(s string, base int) (f *Float, b int, err error) {}

// ParseFloat is like f.Parse(s, base) with f set to the given precision
// and rounding mode.
func ParseFloat(s string, base int, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) (f *Float, b int, err error) {}

var _

// Scan is a support routine for [fmt.Scanner]; it sets z to the value of
// the scanned number. It accepts formats whose verbs are supported by
// [fmt.Scan] for floating point values, which are:
// 'b' (binary), 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g' and 'G'.
// Scan doesn't handle ±Inf.
func (z *Float) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error {}