
// Text returns the string representation of x in the given base.
// Base must be between 2 and 62, inclusive. The result uses the
// lower-case letters 'a' to 'z' for digit values 10 to 35, and
// the upper-case letters 'A' to 'Z' for digit values 36 to 61.
// No prefix (such as "0x") is added to the string. If x is a nil
// pointer it returns "<nil>".
func (x *Int) Text(base int) string {}

// Append appends the string representation of x, as generated by
// x.Text(base), to buf and returns the extended buffer.
func (x *Int) Append(buf []byte, base int) []byte {}

// String returns the decimal representation of x as generated by
// x.Text(10).
func (x *Int) String() string {}

// write count copies of text to s.
func writeMultiple(s fmt.State, text string, count int) {}

var _

// Format implements [fmt.Formatter]. It accepts the formats
// 'b' (binary), 'o' (octal with 0 prefix), 'O' (octal with 0o prefix),
// 'd' (decimal), 'x' (lowercase hexadecimal), and
// 'X' (uppercase hexadecimal).
// Also supported are the full suite of package fmt's format
// flags for integral types, including '+' and ' ' for sign
// control, '#' for leading zero in octal and for hexadecimal,
// a leading "0x" or "0X" for "%#x" and "%#X" respectively,
// specification of minimum digits precision, output field
// width, space or zero padding, and '-' for left or right
// justification.
func (x *Int) Format(s fmt.State, ch rune) {}

// scan sets z to the integer value corresponding to the longest possible prefix
// read from r representing a signed integer number in a given conversion base.
// It returns z, the actual conversion base used, and an error, if any. In the
// error case, the value of z is undefined but the returned value is nil. The
// syntax follows the syntax of integer literals in Go.
// The base argument must be 0 or a value from 2 through MaxBase. If the base
// is 0, the string prefix determines the actual conversion base. A prefix of
// “0b” or “0B” selects base 2; a “0”, “0o”, or “0O” prefix selects
// base 8, and a “0x” or “0X” prefix selects base 16. Otherwise the selected
// base is 10.
func (z *Int) scan(r io.ByteScanner, base int) (*Int, int, error) {}

func scanSign(r io.ByteScanner) (neg bool, err error) {}

type byteReader

func (r byteReader) ReadByte() (byte, error) {}

func (r byteReader) UnreadByte() error {}

var _

// Scan is a support routine for [fmt.Scanner]; it sets z to the value of
// the scanned number. It accepts the formats 'b' (binary), 'o' (octal),
// 'd' (decimal), 'x' (lowercase hexadecimal), and 'X' (uppercase hexadecimal).
func (z *Int) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error {}