
const defaultTCPKeepAliveIdle

const defaultTCPKeepAliveInterval

const defaultTCPKeepAliveCount

const defaultMPTCPEnabledListen

const defaultMPTCPEnabledDial

var multipathtcp

type mptcpStatusDial

const mptcpUseDefaultDial

const mptcpEnabledDial

const mptcpDisabledDial

func (m *mptcpStatusDial) get() bool {}

func (m *mptcpStatusDial) set(use bool) {}

type mptcpStatusListen

const mptcpUseDefaultListen

const mptcpEnabledListen

const mptcpDisabledListen

func (m *mptcpStatusListen) get() bool {}

func (m *mptcpStatusListen) set(use bool) {}

type Dialer

func (d *Dialer) dualStack() bool {}

func minNonzeroTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {}

// deadline returns the earliest of:
//   - now+Timeout
//   - d.Deadline
//   - the context's deadline
// Or zero, if none of Timeout, Deadline, or context's deadline is set.
func (d *Dialer) deadline(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) (earliest time.Time) {}

func (d *Dialer) resolver() *Resolver {}

// partialDeadline returns the deadline to use for a single address,
// when multiple addresses are pending.
func partialDeadline(now, deadline time.Time, addrsRemaining int) (time.Time, error) {}

func (d *Dialer) fallbackDelay() time.Duration {}

func parseNetwork(ctx context.Context, network string, needsProto bool) (afnet string, proto int, err error) {}

// resolveAddrList resolves addr using hint and returns a list of
// addresses. The result contains at least one address when error is
// nil.
func (r *Resolver) resolveAddrList(ctx context.Context, op, network, addr string, hint Addr) (addrList, error) {}

// MultipathTCP reports whether MPTCP will be used.
// This method doesn't check if MPTCP is supported by the operating
// system or not.
func (d *Dialer) MultipathTCP() bool {}

// SetMultipathTCP directs the [Dial] methods to use, or not use, MPTCP,
// if supported by the operating system. This method overrides the
// system default and the GODEBUG=multipathtcp=... setting if any.
// If MPTCP is not available on the host or not supported by the server,
// the Dial methods will fall back to TCP.
func (d *Dialer) SetMultipathTCP(use bool) {}

// Dial connects to the address on the named network.
// Known networks are "tcp", "tcp4" (IPv4-only), "tcp6" (IPv6-only),
// "udp", "udp4" (IPv4-only), "udp6" (IPv6-only), "ip", "ip4"
// (IPv4-only), "ip6" (IPv6-only), "unix", "unixgram" and
// "unixpacket".
// For TCP and UDP networks, the address has the form "host:port".
// The host must be a literal IP address, or a host name that can be
// resolved to IP addresses.
// The port must be a literal port number or a service name.
// If the host is a literal IPv6 address it must be enclosed in square
// brackets, as in "[2001:db8::1]:80" or "[fe80::1%zone]:80".
// The zone specifies the scope of the literal IPv6 address as defined
// in RFC 4007.
// The functions [JoinHostPort] and [SplitHostPort] manipulate a pair of
// host and port in this form.
// When using TCP, and the host resolves to multiple IP addresses,
// Dial will try each IP address in order until one succeeds.
// Examples:
//	Dial("tcp", "golang.org:http")
//	Dial("tcp", "")
//	Dial("tcp", "")
//	Dial("udp", "[2001:db8::1]:domain")
//	Dial("udp", "[fe80::1%lo0]:53")
//	Dial("tcp", ":80")
// For IP networks, the network must be "ip", "ip4" or "ip6" followed
// by a colon and a literal protocol number or a protocol name, and
// the address has the form "host". The host must be a literal IP
// address or a literal IPv6 address with zone.
// It depends on each operating system how the operating system
// behaves with a non-well known protocol number such as "0" or "255".
// Examples:
//	Dial("ip4:1", "")
//	Dial("ip6:ipv6-icmp", "2001:db8::1")
//	Dial("ip6:58", "fe80::1%lo0")
// For TCP, UDP and IP networks, if the host is empty or a literal
// unspecified IP address, as in ":80", "" or "[::]:80" for
// TCP and UDP, "", "" or "::" for IP, the local system is
// assumed.
// For Unix networks, the address must be a file system path.
func Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error) {}

// DialTimeout acts like [Dial] but takes a timeout.
// The timeout includes name resolution, if required.
// When using TCP, and the host in the address parameter resolves to
// multiple IP addresses, the timeout is spread over each consecutive
// dial, such that each is given an appropriate fraction of the time
// to connect.
// See func Dial for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
func DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (Conn, error) {}

type sysDialer

// Dial connects to the address on the named network.
// See func Dial for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
// Dial uses [context.Background] internally; to specify the context, use
// [Dialer.DialContext].
func (d *Dialer) Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error) {}

// DialContext connects to the address on the named network using
// the provided context.
// The provided Context must be non-nil. If the context expires before
// the connection is complete, an error is returned. Once successfully
// connected, any expiration of the context will not affect the
// connection.
// When using TCP, and the host in the address parameter resolves to multiple
// network addresses, any dial timeout (from d.Timeout or ctx) is spread
// over each consecutive dial, such that each is given an appropriate
// fraction of the time to connect.
// For example, if a host has 4 IP addresses and the timeout is 1 minute,
// the connect to each single address will be given 15 seconds to complete
// before trying the next one.
// See func [Dial] for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
func (d *Dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Conn, error) {}

// dialParallel races two copies of dialSerial, giving the first a
// head start. It returns the first established connection and
// closes the others. Otherwise it returns an error from the first
// primary address.
func (sd *sysDialer) dialParallel(ctx context.Context, primaries, fallbacks addrList) (Conn, error) {}

// dialSerial connects to a list of addresses in sequence, returning
// either the first successful connection, or the first error.
func (sd *sysDialer) dialSerial(ctx context.Context, ras addrList) (Conn, error) {}

// dialSingle attempts to establish and returns a single connection to
// the destination address.
func (sd *sysDialer) dialSingle(ctx context.Context, ra Addr) (c Conn, err error) {}

type ListenConfig

// MultipathTCP reports whether MPTCP will be used.
// This method doesn't check if MPTCP is supported by the operating
// system or not.
func (lc *ListenConfig) MultipathTCP() bool {}

// SetMultipathTCP directs the [Listen] method to use, or not use, MPTCP,
// if supported by the operating system. This method overrides the
// system default and the GODEBUG=multipathtcp=... setting if any.
// If MPTCP is not available on the host or not supported by the client,
// the Listen method will fall back to TCP.
func (lc *ListenConfig) SetMultipathTCP(use bool) {}

// Listen announces on the local network address.
// See func Listen for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
// The ctx argument is used while resolving the address on which to listen;
// it does not affect the returned Listener.
func (lc *ListenConfig) Listen(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Listener, error) {}

// ListenPacket announces on the local network address.
// See func ListenPacket for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
// The ctx argument is used while resolving the address on which to listen;
// it does not affect the returned Listener.
func (lc *ListenConfig) ListenPacket(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (PacketConn, error) {}

type sysListener

// Listen announces on the local network address.
// The network must be "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6", "unix" or "unixpacket".
// For TCP networks, if the host in the address parameter is empty or
// a literal unspecified IP address, Listen listens on all available
// unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system.
// To only use IPv4, use network "tcp4".
// The address can use a host name, but this is not recommended,
// because it will create a listener for at most one of the host's IP
// addresses.
// If the port in the address parameter is empty or "0", as in
// "" or "[::1]:0", a port number is automatically chosen.
// The [Addr] method of [Listener] can be used to discover the chosen
// port.
// See func [Dial] for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
// Listen uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
// [ListenConfig.Listen].
func Listen(network, address string) (Listener, error) {}

// ListenPacket announces on the local network address.
// The network must be "udp", "udp4", "udp6", "unixgram", or an IP
// transport. The IP transports are "ip", "ip4", or "ip6" followed by
// a colon and a literal protocol number or a protocol name, as in
// "ip:1" or "ip:icmp".
// For UDP and IP networks, if the host in the address parameter is
// empty or a literal unspecified IP address, ListenPacket listens on
// all available IP addresses of the local system except multicast IP
// addresses.
// To only use IPv4, use network "udp4" or "ip4:proto".
// The address can use a host name, but this is not recommended,
// because it will create a listener for at most one of the host's IP
// addresses.
// If the port in the address parameter is empty or "0", as in
// "" or "[::1]:0", a port number is automatically chosen.
// The LocalAddr method of [PacketConn] can be used to discover the
// chosen port.
// See func [Dial] for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
// ListenPacket uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
// [ListenConfig.ListenPacket].
func ListenPacket(network, address string) (PacketConn, error) {}