
type Client

var DefaultClient

type RoundTripper

// refererForURL returns a referer without any authentication info or
// an empty string if lastReq scheme is https and newReq scheme is http.
// If the referer was explicitly set, then it will continue to be used.
func refererForURL(lastReq, newReq *url.URL, explicitRef string) string {}

// didTimeout is non-nil only if err != nil.
func (c *Client) send(req *Request, deadline time.Time) (resp *Response, didTimeout func() bool, err error) {}

func (c *Client) deadline() time.Time {}

func (c *Client) transport() RoundTripper {}

var ErrSchemeMismatch

// send issues an HTTP request.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
func send(ireq *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (resp *Response, didTimeout func() bool, err error) {}

// timeBeforeContextDeadline reports whether the non-zero Time t is
// before ctx's deadline, if any. If ctx does not have a deadline, it
// always reports true (the deadline is considered infinite).
func timeBeforeContextDeadline(t time.Time, ctx context.Context) bool {}

// knownRoundTripperImpl reports whether rt is a RoundTripper that's
// maintained by the Go team and known to implement the latest
// optional semantics (notably contexts). The Request is used
// to check whether this particular request is using an alternate protocol,
// in which case we need to check the RoundTripper for that protocol.
func knownRoundTripperImpl(rt RoundTripper, req *Request) bool {}

// setRequestCancel sets req.Cancel and adds a deadline context to req
// if deadline is non-zero. The RoundTripper's type is used to
// determine whether the legacy CancelRequest behavior should be used.
// As background, there are three ways to cancel a request:
// First was Transport.CancelRequest. (deprecated)
// Second was Request.Cancel.
// Third was Request.Context.
// This function populates the second and third, and uses the first if it really needs to.
func setRequestCancel(req *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (stopTimer func(), didTimeout func() bool) {}

// See 2 (end of page 4) https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt
// "To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password,
// separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64
// encoded string in the credentials."
// It is not meant to be urlencoded.
func basicAuth(username, password string) string {}

// Get issues a GET to the specified URL. If the response is one of
// the following redirect codes, Get follows the redirect, up to a
// maximum of 10 redirects:
//	301 (Moved Permanently)
//	302 (Found)
//	303 (See Other)
//	307 (Temporary Redirect)
//	308 (Permanent Redirect)
// An error is returned if there were too many redirects or if there
// was an HTTP protocol error. A non-2xx response doesn't cause an
// error. Any returned error will be of type [*url.Error]. The url.Error
// value's Timeout method will report true if the request timed out.
// When err is nil, resp always contains a non-nil resp.Body.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// Get is a wrapper around DefaultClient.Get.
// To make a request with custom headers, use [NewRequest] and
// DefaultClient.Do.
// To make a request with a specified context.Context, use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and DefaultClient.Do.
func Get(url string) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// Get issues a GET to the specified URL. If the response is one of the
// following redirect codes, Get follows the redirect after calling the
// [Client.CheckRedirect] function:
//	301 (Moved Permanently)
//	302 (Found)
//	303 (See Other)
//	307 (Temporary Redirect)
//	308 (Permanent Redirect)
// An error is returned if the [Client.CheckRedirect] function fails
// or if there was an HTTP protocol error. A non-2xx response doesn't
// cause an error. Any returned error will be of type [*url.Error]. The
// url.Error value's Timeout method will report true if the request
// timed out.
// When err is nil, resp always contains a non-nil resp.Body.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// To make a request with custom headers, use [NewRequest] and [Client.Do].
// To make a request with a specified context.Context, use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and Client.Do.
func (c *Client) Get(url string) (resp *Response, err error) {}

func alwaysFalse() bool {}

var ErrUseLastResponse

// checkRedirect calls either the user's configured CheckRedirect
// function, or the default.
func (c *Client) checkRedirect(req *Request, via []*Request) error {}

// redirectBehavior describes what should happen when the
// client encounters a 3xx status code from the server.
func redirectBehavior(reqMethod string, resp *Response, ireq *Request) (redirectMethod string, shouldRedirect, includeBody bool) {}

// urlErrorOp returns the (*url.Error).Op value to use for the
// provided (*Request).Method value.
func urlErrorOp(method string) string {}

// Do sends an HTTP request and returns an HTTP response, following
// policy (such as redirects, cookies, auth) as configured on the
// client.
// An error is returned if caused by client policy (such as
// CheckRedirect), or failure to speak HTTP (such as a network
// connectivity problem). A non-2xx status code doesn't cause an
// error.
// If the returned error is nil, the [Response] will contain a non-nil
// Body which the user is expected to close. If the Body is not both
// read to EOF and closed, the [Client]'s underlying [RoundTripper]
// (typically [Transport]) may not be able to re-use a persistent TCP
// connection to the server for a subsequent "keep-alive" request.
// The request Body, if non-nil, will be closed by the underlying
// Transport, even on errors. The Body may be closed asynchronously after
// Do returns.
// On error, any Response can be ignored. A non-nil Response with a
// non-nil error only occurs when CheckRedirect fails, and even then
// the returned [Response.Body] is already closed.
// Generally [Get], [Post], or [PostForm] will be used instead of Do.
// If the server replies with a redirect, the Client first uses the
// CheckRedirect function to determine whether the redirect should be
// followed. If permitted, a 301, 302, or 303 redirect causes
// subsequent requests to use HTTP method GET
// (or HEAD if the original request was HEAD), with no body.
// A 307 or 308 redirect preserves the original HTTP method and body,
// provided that the [Request.GetBody] function is defined.
// The [NewRequest] function automatically sets GetBody for common
// standard library body types.
// Any returned error will be of type [*url.Error]. The url.Error
// value's Timeout method will report true if the request timed out.
func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (*Response, error) {}

var testHookClientDoResult

func (c *Client) do(req *Request) (retres *Response, reterr error) {}

// makeHeadersCopier makes a function that copies headers from the
// initial Request, ireq. For every redirect, this function must be called
// so that it can copy headers into the upcoming Request.
func (c *Client) makeHeadersCopier(ireq *Request) func(*Request) {}

func defaultCheckRedirect(req *Request, via []*Request) error {}

// Post issues a POST to the specified URL.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// If the provided body is an [io.Closer], it is closed after the
// request.
// Post is a wrapper around DefaultClient.Post.
// To set custom headers, use [NewRequest] and DefaultClient.Do.
// See the [Client.Do] method documentation for details on how redirects
// are handled.
// To make a request with a specified context.Context, use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and DefaultClient.Do.
func Post(url, contentType string, body io.Reader) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// Post issues a POST to the specified URL.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// If the provided body is an [io.Closer], it is closed after the
// request.
// To set custom headers, use [NewRequest] and [Client.Do].
// To make a request with a specified context.Context, use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and [Client.Do].
// See the Client.Do method documentation for details on how redirects
// are handled.
func (c *Client) Post(url, contentType string, body io.Reader) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// PostForm issues a POST to the specified URL, with data's keys and
// values URL-encoded as the request body.
// The Content-Type header is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// To set other headers, use [NewRequest] and DefaultClient.Do.
// When err is nil, resp always contains a non-nil resp.Body.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// PostForm is a wrapper around DefaultClient.PostForm.
// See the [Client.Do] method documentation for details on how redirects
// are handled.
// To make a request with a specified [context.Context], use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and DefaultClient.Do.
func PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// PostForm issues a POST to the specified URL,
// with data's keys and values URL-encoded as the request body.
// The Content-Type header is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// To set other headers, use [NewRequest] and [Client.Do].
// When err is nil, resp always contains a non-nil resp.Body.
// Caller should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// See the Client.Do method documentation for details on how redirects
// are handled.
// To make a request with a specified context.Context, use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and Client.Do.
func (c *Client) PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// Head issues a HEAD to the specified URL. If the response is one of
// the following redirect codes, Head follows the redirect, up to a
// maximum of 10 redirects:
//	301 (Moved Permanently)
//	302 (Found)
//	303 (See Other)
//	307 (Temporary Redirect)
//	308 (Permanent Redirect)
// Head is a wrapper around DefaultClient.Head.
// To make a request with a specified [context.Context], use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and DefaultClient.Do.
func Head(url string) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// Head issues a HEAD to the specified URL. If the response is one of the
// following redirect codes, Head follows the redirect after calling the
// [Client.CheckRedirect] function:
//	301 (Moved Permanently)
//	302 (Found)
//	303 (See Other)
//	307 (Temporary Redirect)
//	308 (Permanent Redirect)
// To make a request with a specified [context.Context], use [NewRequestWithContext]
// and [Client.Do].
func (c *Client) Head(url string) (resp *Response, err error) {}

// CloseIdleConnections closes any connections on its [Transport] which
// were previously connected from previous requests but are now
// sitting idle in a "keep-alive" state. It does not interrupt any
// connections currently in use.
// If [Client.Transport] does not have a [Client.CloseIdleConnections] method
// then this method does nothing.
func (c *Client) CloseIdleConnections() {}

type cancelTimerBody

func (b *cancelTimerBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func (b *cancelTimerBody) Close() error {}

func shouldCopyHeaderOnRedirect(headerKey string, initial, dest *url.URL) bool {}

// isDomainOrSubdomain reports whether sub is a subdomain (or exact
// match) of the parent domain.
// Both domains must already be in canonical form.
func isDomainOrSubdomain(sub, parent string) bool {}

func stripPassword(u *url.URL) string {}