
type PublicSuffixList

type Options

type Jar

// New returns a new cookie jar. A nil [*Options] is equivalent to a zero
// Options.
func New(o *Options) (*Jar, error) {}

type entry

// id returns the domain;path;name triple of e as an id.
func (e *entry) id() string {}

// shouldSend determines whether e's cookie qualifies to be included in a
// request to host/path. It is the caller's responsibility to check if the
// cookie is expired.
func (e *entry) shouldSend(https bool, host, path string) bool {}

// domainMatch checks whether e's Domain allows sending e back to host.
// It differs from "domain-match" of RFC 6265 section 5.1.3 because we treat
// a cookie with an IP address in the Domain always as a host cookie.
func (e *entry) domainMatch(host string) bool {}

// pathMatch implements "path-match" according to RFC 6265 section 5.1.4.
func (e *entry) pathMatch(requestPath string) bool {}

// hasDotSuffix reports whether s ends in "."+suffix.
func hasDotSuffix(s, suffix string) bool {}

// Cookies implements the Cookies method of the [http.CookieJar] interface.
// It returns an empty slice if the URL's scheme is not HTTP or HTTPS.
func (j *Jar) Cookies(u *url.URL) (cookies []*http.Cookie) {}

// cookies is like Cookies but takes the current time as a parameter.
func (j *Jar) cookies(u *url.URL, now time.Time) (cookies []*http.Cookie) {}

// SetCookies implements the SetCookies method of the [http.CookieJar] interface.
// It does nothing if the URL's scheme is not HTTP or HTTPS.
func (j *Jar) SetCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*http.Cookie) {}

// setCookies is like SetCookies but takes the current time as parameter.
func (j *Jar) setCookies(u *url.URL, cookies []*http.Cookie, now time.Time) {}

// canonicalHost strips port from host if present and returns the canonicalized
// host name.
func canonicalHost(host string) (string, error) {}

// hasPort reports whether host contains a port number. host may be a host
// name, an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
func hasPort(host string) bool {}

// jarKey returns the key to use for a jar.
func jarKey(host string, psl PublicSuffixList) string {}

// isIP reports whether host is an IP address.
func isIP(host string) bool {}

// defaultPath returns the directory part of a URL's path according to
// RFC 6265 section 5.1.4.
func defaultPath(path string) string {}

// newEntry creates an entry from an http.Cookie c. now is the current time and
// is compared to c.Expires to determine deletion of c. defPath and host are the
// default-path and the canonical host name of the URL c was received from.
// remove records whether the jar should delete this cookie, as it has already
// expired with respect to now. In this case, e may be incomplete, but it will
// be valid to call e.id (which depends on e's Name, Domain and Path).
// A malformed c.Domain will result in an error.
func (j *Jar) newEntry(c *http.Cookie, now time.Time, defPath, host string) (e entry, remove bool, err error) {}

var errIllegalDomain

var errMalformedDomain

var endOfTime

// domainAndType determines the cookie's domain and hostOnly attribute.
func (j *Jar) domainAndType(host, domain string) (string, bool, error) {}