
type request

type envVarsContextKey

func newRequest(reqId uint16, flags uint8) *request {}

// parseParams reads an encoded []byte into Params.
func (r *request) parseParams() {}

type response

func newResponse(c *child, req *request) *response {}

func (r *response) Header() http.Header {}

func (r *response) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func (r *response) WriteHeader(code int) {}

// writeCGIHeader finalizes the header sent to the client and writes it to the output.
// p is not written by writeHeader, but is the first chunk of the body
// that will be written. It is sniffed for a Content-Type if none is
// set explicitly.
func (r *response) writeCGIHeader(p []byte) {}

func (r *response) Flush() {}

func (r *response) Close() error {}

type child

func newChild(rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, handler http.Handler) *child {}

func (c *child) serve() {}

var errCloseConn

var emptyBody

var ErrRequestAborted

var ErrConnClosed

func (c *child) handleRecord(rec *record) error {}

// filterOutUsedEnvVars returns a new map of env vars without the
// variables in the given envVars map that are read for creating each http.Request
func filterOutUsedEnvVars(envVars map[string]string) map[string]string {}

func (c *child) serveRequest(req *request, body io.ReadCloser) {}

func (c *child) cleanUp() {}

// Serve accepts incoming FastCGI connections on the listener l, creating a new
// goroutine for each. The goroutine reads requests and then calls handler
// to reply to them.
// If l is nil, Serve accepts connections from os.Stdin.
// If handler is nil, [http.DefaultServeMux] is used.
func Serve(l net.Listener, handler http.Handler) error {}

// ProcessEnv returns FastCGI environment variables associated with the request r
// for which no effort was made to be included in the request itself - the data
// is hidden in the request's context. As an example, if REMOTE_USER is set for a
// request, it will not be found anywhere in r, but it will be included in
// ProcessEnv's response (via r's context).
func ProcessEnv(r *http.Request) map[string]string {}

// addFastCGIEnvToContext reports whether to include the FastCGI environment variable s
// in the http.Request.Context, accessible via ProcessEnv.
func addFastCGIEnvToContext(s string) bool {}