
type ResponseRecorder

// NewRecorder returns an initialized [ResponseRecorder].
func NewRecorder() *ResponseRecorder {}

const DefaultRemoteAddr

// Header implements [http.ResponseWriter]. It returns the response
// headers to mutate within a handler. To test the headers that were
// written after a handler completes, use the [ResponseRecorder.Result] method and see
// the returned Response value's Header.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Header() http.Header {}

// writeHeader writes a header if it was not written yet and
// detects Content-Type if needed.
// bytes or str are the beginning of the response body.
// We pass both to avoid unnecessarily generate garbage
// in rw.WriteString which was created for performance reasons.
// Non-nil bytes win.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) writeHeader(b []byte, str string) {}

// Write implements http.ResponseWriter. The data in buf is written to
// rw.Body, if not nil.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {}

// WriteString implements [io.StringWriter]. The data in str is written
// to rw.Body, if not nil.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) WriteString(str string) (int, error) {}

func checkWriteHeaderCode(code int) {}

// WriteHeader implements [http.ResponseWriter].
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) WriteHeader(code int) {}

// Flush implements [http.Flusher]. To test whether Flush was
// called, see rw.Flushed.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Flush() {}

// Result returns the response generated by the handler.
// The returned Response will have at least its StatusCode,
// Header, Body, and optionally Trailer populated.
// More fields may be populated in the future, so callers should
// not DeepEqual the result in tests.
// The Response.Header is a snapshot of the headers at the time of the
// first write call, or at the time of this call, if the handler never
// did a write.
// The Response.Body is guaranteed to be non-nil and Body.Read call is
// guaranteed to not return any error other than [io.EOF].
// Result must only be called after the handler has finished running.
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Result() *http.Response {}

// parseContentLength trims whitespace from s and returns -1 if no value
// is set, or the value if it's >= 0.
// This a modified version of same function found in net/http/transfer.go. This
// one just ignores an invalid header.
func parseContentLength(cl string) int64 {}