
type clientEventContextKey

// ContextClientTrace returns the [ClientTrace] associated with the
// provided context. If none, it returns nil.
func ContextClientTrace(ctx context.Context) *ClientTrace {}

// WithClientTrace returns a new context based on the provided parent
// ctx. HTTP client requests made with the returned context will use
// the provided trace hooks, in addition to any previous hooks
// registered with ctx. Any hooks defined in the provided trace will
// be called first.
func WithClientTrace(ctx context.Context, trace *ClientTrace) context.Context {}

type ClientTrace

type WroteRequestInfo

// compose modifies t such that it respects the previously-registered hooks in old,
// subject to the composition policy requested in t.Compose.
func (t *ClientTrace) compose(old *ClientTrace) {}

type DNSStartInfo

type DNSDoneInfo

func (t *ClientTrace) hasNetHooks() bool {}

type GotConnInfo