
var respExcludeHeader

type Response

// Cookies parses and returns the cookies set in the Set-Cookie headers.
func (r *Response) Cookies() []*Cookie {}

var ErrNoLocation

// Location returns the URL of the response's "Location" header,
// if present. Relative redirects are resolved relative to
// [Response.Request]. [ErrNoLocation] is returned if no
// Location header is present.
func (r *Response) Location() (*url.URL, error) {}

// ReadResponse reads and returns an HTTP response from r.
// The req parameter optionally specifies the [Request] that corresponds
// to this [Response]. If nil, a GET request is assumed.
// Clients must call resp.Body.Close when finished reading resp.Body.
// After that call, clients can inspect resp.Trailer to find key/value
// pairs included in the response trailer.
func ReadResponse(r *bufio.Reader, req *Request) (*Response, error) {}

// RFC 7234, section 5.4: Should treat
//	Pragma: no-cache
// like
//	Cache-Control: no-cache
func fixPragmaCacheControl(header Header) {}

// ProtoAtLeast reports whether the HTTP protocol used
// in the response is at least major.minor.
func (r *Response) ProtoAtLeast(major, minor int) bool {}

// Write writes r to w in the HTTP/1.x server response format,
// including the status line, headers, body, and optional trailer.
// This method consults the following fields of the response r:
//	StatusCode
//	ProtoMajor
//	ProtoMinor
//	Request.Method
//	TransferEncoding
//	Trailer
//	Body
//	ContentLength
//	Header, values for non-canonical keys will have unpredictable behavior
// The Response Body is closed after it is sent.
func (r *Response) Write(w io.Writer) error {}

func (r *Response) closeBody() {}

// bodyIsWritable reports whether the Body supports writing. The
// Transport returns Writable bodies for 101 Switching Protocols
// responses.
// The Transport uses this method to determine whether a persistent
// connection is done being managed from its perspective. Once we
// return a writable response body to a user, the net/http package is
// done managing that connection.
func (r *Response) bodyIsWritable() bool {}

// isProtocolSwitch reports whether the response code and header
// indicate a successful protocol upgrade response.
func (r *Response) isProtocolSwitch() bool {}

// isProtocolSwitchResponse reports whether the response code and
// response header indicate a successful protocol upgrade response.
func isProtocolSwitchResponse(code int, h Header) bool {}

// isProtocolSwitchHeader reports whether the request or response header
// is for a protocol switch.
func isProtocolSwitchHeader(h Header) bool {}