
func TestIndex(t *testing.T) {}

func trueConflicts(pat *pattern, pats []*pattern) []string {}

func indexConflicts(pat *pattern, idx *routingIndex) []string {}

// generatePatterns generates all possible patterns using a representative
// sample of parts.
func generatePatterns() []*pattern {}

type generator

// genConst generates a single constant string.
func genConst(s string) generator {}

// genChoice generates all the strings in its argument.
func genChoice(choices []string) generator {}

// genConcat2 generates the cross product of the strings of g1 concatenated
// with those of g2.
func genConcat2(g1, g2 generator) generator {}

// genConcat generalizes genConcat2 to any number of generators.
func genConcat(gs ...generator) generator {}

// genRepeat generates strings of exactly n copies of g's strings.
func genRepeat(n int, g generator) generator {}

// genStar (named after the Kleene star) generates 0, 1, 2, ..., max
// copies of the strings of g.
func genStar(max int, g generator) generator {}

func BenchmarkMultiConflicts(b *testing.B) {}