
var socksnoDeadline

var socksaLongTimeAgo

func (d *socksDialer) connect(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn, address string) (_ net.Addr, ctxErr error) {}

func sockssplitHostPort(address string) (string, int, error) {}

type socksCommand

func (cmd socksCommand) String() string {}

type socksAuthMethod

type socksReply

func (code socksReply) String() string {}

const socksVersion5

const socksAddrTypeIPv4

const socksAddrTypeFQDN

const socksAddrTypeIPv6

const socksCmdConnect

const sockscmdBind

const socksAuthMethodNotRequired

const socksAuthMethodUsernamePassword

const socksAuthMethodNoAcceptableMethods

const socksStatusSucceeded

type socksAddr

func (a *socksAddr) Network() string {}

func (a *socksAddr) String() string {}

type socksConn

// BoundAddr returns the address assigned by the proxy server for
// connecting to the command target address from the proxy server.
func (c *socksConn) BoundAddr() net.Addr {}

type socksDialer

// DialContext connects to the provided address on the provided
// network.
// The returned error value may be a net.OpError. When the Op field of
// net.OpError contains "socks", the Source field contains a proxy
// server address and the Addr field contains a command target
// address.
// See func Dial of the net package of standard library for a
// description of the network and address parameters.
func (d *socksDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {}

// DialWithConn initiates a connection from SOCKS server to the target
// network and address using the connection c that is already
// connected to the SOCKS server.
// It returns the connection's local address assigned by the SOCKS
// server.
func (d *socksDialer) DialWithConn(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn, network, address string) (net.Addr, error) {}

// Dial connects to the provided address on the provided network.
// Unlike DialContext, it returns a raw transport connection instead
// of a forward proxy connection.
// Deprecated: Use DialContext or DialWithConn instead.
func (d *socksDialer) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {}

func (d *socksDialer) validateTarget(network, address string) error {}

func (d *socksDialer) pathAddrs(address string) (proxy, dst net.Addr, err error) {}

// NewDialer returns a new Dialer that dials through the provided
// proxy server's network and address.
func socksNewDialer(network, address string) *socksDialer {}

const socksauthUsernamePasswordVersion

const socksauthStatusSucceeded

type socksUsernamePassword

// Authenticate authenticates a pair of username and password with the
// proxy server.
func (up *socksUsernamePassword) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, rw io.ReadWriter, auth socksAuthMethod) error {}