
var ErrLineTooLong

type errorReader

func (r errorReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

type byteReader

func (br *byteReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

type transferWriter

func newTransferWriter(r any) (t *transferWriter, err error) {}

// shouldSendChunkedRequestBody reports whether we should try to send a
// chunked request body to the server. In particular, the case we really
// want to prevent is sending a GET or other typically-bodyless request to a
// server with a chunked body when the body has zero bytes, since GETs with
// bodies (while acceptable according to specs), even zero-byte chunked
// bodies, are approximately never seen in the wild and confuse most
// servers. See Issue 18257, as one example.
// The only reason we'd send such a request is if the user set the Body to a
// non-nil value (say, io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil))) and didn't
// set ContentLength, or NewRequest set it to -1 (unknown), so then we assume
// there's bytes to send.
// This code tries to read a byte from the Request.Body in such cases to see
// whether the body actually has content (super rare) or is actually just
// a non-nil content-less ReadCloser (the more common case). In that more
// common case, we act as if their Body were nil instead, and don't send
// a body.
func (t *transferWriter) shouldSendChunkedRequestBody() bool {}

// probeRequestBody reads a byte from t.Body to see whether it's empty
// (returns io.EOF right away).
// But because we've had problems with this blocking users in the past
// (issue 17480) when the body is a pipe (perhaps waiting on the response
// headers before the pipe is fed data), we need to be careful and bound how
// long we wait for it. This delay will only affect users if all the following
// are true:
//   - the request body blocks
//   - the content length is not set (or set to -1)
//   - the method doesn't usually have a body (GET, HEAD, DELETE, ...)
//   - there is no transfer-encoding=chunked already set.
// In other words, this delay will not normally affect anybody, and there
// are workarounds if it does.
func (t *transferWriter) probeRequestBody() {}

func noResponseBodyExpected(requestMethod string) bool {}

func (t *transferWriter) shouldSendContentLength() bool {}

func (t *transferWriter) writeHeader(w io.Writer, trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) error {}

// always closes t.BodyCloser
func (t *transferWriter) writeBody(w io.Writer) (err error) {}

// doBodyCopy wraps a copy operation, with any resulting error also
// being saved in bodyReadError.
// This function is only intended for use in writeBody.
func (t *transferWriter) doBodyCopy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {}

// unwrapBody unwraps the body's inner reader if it's a
// nopCloser. This is to ensure that body writes sourced from local
// files (*os.File types) are properly optimized.
// This function is only intended for use in writeBody.
func (t *transferWriter) unwrapBody() io.Reader {}

type transferReader

func (t *transferReader) protoAtLeast(m, n int) bool {}

// bodyAllowedForStatus reports whether a given response status code
// permits a body. See RFC 7230, section 3.3.
func bodyAllowedForStatus(status int) bool {}

var suppressedHeaders304

var suppressedHeadersNoBody

var excludedHeadersNoBody

func suppressedHeaders(status int) []string {}

// msg is *Request or *Response.
func readTransfer(msg any, r *bufio.Reader) (err error) {}

// Checks whether chunked is part of the encodings stack.
func chunked(te []string) bool {}

// Checks whether the encoding is explicitly "identity".
func isIdentity(te []string) bool {}

type unsupportedTEError

func (uste *unsupportedTEError) Error() string {}

// isUnsupportedTEError checks if the error is of type
// unsupportedTEError. It is usually invoked with a non-nil err.
func isUnsupportedTEError(err error) bool {}

// parseTransferEncoding sets t.Chunked based on the Transfer-Encoding header.
func (t *transferReader) parseTransferEncoding() error {}

// Determine the expected body length, using RFC 7230 Section 3.3. This
// function is not a method, because ultimately it should be shared by
// ReadResponse and ReadRequest.
func fixLength(isResponse bool, status int, requestMethod string, header Header, chunked bool) (n int64, err error) {}

// Determine whether to hang up after sending a request and body, or
// receiving a response and body
// 'header' is the request headers.
func shouldClose(major, minor int, header Header, removeCloseHeader bool) bool {}

// Parse the trailer header.
func fixTrailer(header Header, chunked bool) (Header, error) {}

type body

var ErrBodyReadAfterClose

func (b *body) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// Must hold b.mu.
func (b *body) readLocked(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var singleCRLF

var doubleCRLF

func seeUpcomingDoubleCRLF(r *bufio.Reader) bool {}

var errTrailerEOF

func (b *body) readTrailer() error {}

func mergeSetHeader(dst *Header, src Header) {}

// unreadDataSizeLocked returns the number of bytes of unread input.
// It returns -1 if unknown.
// b.mu must be held.
func (b *body) unreadDataSizeLocked() int64 {}

func (b *body) Close() error {}

func (b *body) didEarlyClose() bool {}

// bodyRemains reports whether future Read calls might
// yield data.
func (b *body) bodyRemains() bool {}

func (b *body) registerOnHitEOF(fn func()) {}

type bodyLocked

func (bl bodyLocked) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var httplaxcontentlength

// parseContentLength checks that the header is valid and then trims
// whitespace. It returns -1 if no value is set otherwise the value
// if it's >= 0.
func parseContentLength(clHeaders []string) (int64, error) {}

type finishAsyncByteRead

func (fr finishAsyncByteRead) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var nopCloserType

var nopCloserWriterToType

// unwrapNopCloser return the underlying reader and true if r is a NopCloser
// else it return false.
func unwrapNopCloser(r io.Reader) (underlyingReader io.Reader, isNopCloser bool) {}

// isKnownInMemoryReader reports whether r is a type known to not
// block on Read. Its caller uses this as an optional optimization to
// send fewer TCP packets.
func isKnownInMemoryReader(r io.Reader) bool {}

type bufioFlushWriter

func (fw bufioFlushWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}