
const IPv4len

const IPv6len

type IP

type IPMask

type IPNet

// IPv4 returns the IP address (in 16-byte form) of the
// IPv4 address a.b.c.d.
func IPv4(a, b, c, d byte) IP {}

var v4InV6Prefix

// IPv4Mask returns the IP mask (in 4-byte form) of the
// IPv4 mask a.b.c.d.
func IPv4Mask(a, b, c, d byte) IPMask {}

// CIDRMask returns an [IPMask] consisting of 'ones' 1 bits
// followed by 0s up to a total length of 'bits' bits.
// For a mask of this form, CIDRMask is the inverse of [IPMask.Size].
func CIDRMask(ones, bits int) IPMask {}

var IPv4bcast

var IPv4allsys

var IPv4allrouter

var IPv4zero

var IPv6zero

var IPv6unspecified

var IPv6loopback

var IPv6interfacelocalallnodes

var IPv6linklocalallnodes

var IPv6linklocalallrouters

// IsUnspecified reports whether ip is an unspecified address, either
// the IPv4 address "" or the IPv6 address "::".
func (ip IP) IsUnspecified() bool {}

// IsLoopback reports whether ip is a loopback address.
func (ip IP) IsLoopback() bool {}

// IsPrivate reports whether ip is a private address, according to
// RFC 1918 (IPv4 addresses) and RFC 4193 (IPv6 addresses).
func (ip IP) IsPrivate() bool {}

// IsMulticast reports whether ip is a multicast address.
func (ip IP) IsMulticast() bool {}

// IsInterfaceLocalMulticast reports whether ip is
// an interface-local multicast address.
func (ip IP) IsInterfaceLocalMulticast() bool {}

// IsLinkLocalMulticast reports whether ip is a link-local
// multicast address.
func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalMulticast() bool {}

// IsLinkLocalUnicast reports whether ip is a link-local
// unicast address.
func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalUnicast() bool {}

// IsGlobalUnicast reports whether ip is a global unicast
// address.
// The identification of global unicast addresses uses address type
// identification as defined in RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291 with
// the exception of IPv4 directed broadcast addresses.
// It returns true even if ip is in IPv4 private address space or
// local IPv6 unicast address space.
func (ip IP) IsGlobalUnicast() bool {}

// Is p all zeros?
func isZeros(p IP) bool {}

// To4 converts the IPv4 address ip to a 4-byte representation.
// If ip is not an IPv4 address, To4 returns nil.
func (ip IP) To4() IP {}

// To16 converts the IP address ip to a 16-byte representation.
// If ip is not an IP address (it is the wrong length), To16 returns nil.
func (ip IP) To16() IP {}

var classAMask

var classBMask

var classCMask

// DefaultMask returns the default IP mask for the IP address ip.
// Only IPv4 addresses have default masks; DefaultMask returns
// nil if ip is not a valid IPv4 address.
func (ip IP) DefaultMask() IPMask {}

func allFF(b []byte) bool {}

// Mask returns the result of masking the IP address ip with mask.
func (ip IP) Mask(mask IPMask) IP {}

// String returns the string form of the IP address ip.
// It returns one of 4 forms:
//   - "<nil>", if ip has length 0
//   - dotted decimal (""), if ip is an IPv4 or IP4-mapped IPv6 address
//   - IPv6 conforming to RFC 5952 ("2001:db8::1"), if ip is a valid IPv6 address
//   - the hexadecimal form of ip, without punctuation, if no other cases apply
func (ip IP) String() string {}

func hexString(b []byte) string {}

// ipEmptyString is like ip.String except that it returns
// an empty string when ip is unset.
func ipEmptyString(ip IP) string {}

// appendTo appends the string representation of ip to b and returns the expanded b
// If len(ip) != IPv4len or IPv6len, it appends nothing.
func (ip IP) appendTo(b []byte) []byte {}

// AppendText implements the [encoding.TextAppender] interface.
// The encoding is the same as returned by [IP.String], with one exception:
// When len(ip) is zero, it appends nothing.
func (ip IP) AppendText(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

// MarshalText implements the [encoding.TextMarshaler] interface.
// The encoding is the same as returned by [IP.String], with one exception:
// When len(ip) is zero, it returns an empty slice.
func (ip IP) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {}

// UnmarshalText implements the [encoding.TextUnmarshaler] interface.
// The IP address is expected in a form accepted by [ParseIP].
func (ip *IP) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {}

// Equal reports whether ip and x are the same IP address.
// An IPv4 address and that same address in IPv6 form are
// considered to be equal.
func (ip IP) Equal(x IP) bool {}

func (ip IP) matchAddrFamily(x IP) bool {}

// If mask is a sequence of 1 bits followed by 0 bits,
// return the number of 1 bits.
func simpleMaskLength(mask IPMask) int {}

// Size returns the number of leading ones and total bits in the mask.
// If the mask is not in the canonical form--ones followed by zeros--then
// Size returns 0, 0.
func (m IPMask) Size() (ones, bits int) {}

// String returns the hexadecimal form of m, with no punctuation.
func (m IPMask) String() string {}

func networkNumberAndMask(n *IPNet) (ip IP, m IPMask) {}

// Contains reports whether the network includes ip.
func (n *IPNet) Contains(ip IP) bool {}

// Network returns the address's network name, "ip+net".
func (n *IPNet) Network() string {}

// String returns the CIDR notation of n like ""
// or "2001:db8::/48" as defined in RFC 4632 and RFC 4291.
// If the mask is not in the canonical form, it returns the
// string which consists of an IP address, followed by a slash
// character and a mask expressed as hexadecimal form with no
// punctuation like "".
func (n *IPNet) String() string {}

// ParseIP parses s as an IP address, returning the result.
// The string s can be in IPv4 dotted decimal (""), IPv6
// ("2001:db8::68"), or IPv4-mapped IPv6 ("::ffff:") form.
// If s is not a valid textual representation of an IP address,
// ParseIP returns nil. The returned address is always 16 bytes,
// IPv4 addresses are returned in IPv4-mapped IPv6 form.
func ParseIP(s string) IP {}

func parseIP(s string) ([16]byte, bool) {}

// ParseCIDR parses s as a CIDR notation IP address and prefix length,
// like "" or "2001:db8::/32", as defined in
// RFC 4632 and RFC 4291.
// It returns the IP address and the network implied by the IP and
// prefix length.
// For example, ParseCIDR("") returns the IP address
// and the network
func ParseCIDR(s string) (IP, *IPNet, error) {}

func copyIP(x IP) IP {}