
func (ln *TCPListener) port() string {}

func (c *UDPConn) port() string {}

var tcpListenerTests

// TestTCPListener tests both single and double listen to a test
// listener with same address family, same listening address and
// same port.
func TestTCPListener(t *testing.T) {}

var udpListenerTests

// TestUDPListener tests both single and double listen to a test
// listener with same address family, same listening address and
// same port.
func TestUDPListener(t *testing.T) {}

var dualStackTCPListenerTests

// TestDualStackTCPListener tests both single and double listen
// to a test listener with various address families, different
// listening address and same port.
// On DragonFly BSD, we expect the kernel version of node under test
// to be greater than or equal to 4.4.
func TestDualStackTCPListener(t *testing.T) {}

var dualStackUDPListenerTests

// TestDualStackUDPListener tests both single and double listen
// to a test listener with various address families, different
// listening address and same port.
// On DragonFly BSD, we expect the kernel version of node under test
// to be greater than or equal to 4.4.
func TestDualStackUDPListener(t *testing.T) {}

func differentWildcardAddr(i, j string) bool {}

func checkFirstListener(network string, ln any) error {}

func checkSecondListener(network, address string, err error) error {}

func checkDualStackSecondListener(network, address string, err, xerr error) error {}

func checkDualStackAddrFamily(fd *netFD) error {}

func TestWildWildcardListener(t *testing.T) {}

var ipv4MulticastListenerTests

// TestIPv4MulticastListener tests both single and double listen to a
// test listener with same address family, same group address and same
// port.
func TestIPv4MulticastListener(t *testing.T) {}

var ipv6MulticastListenerTests

// TestIPv6MulticastListener tests both single and double listen to a
// test listener with same address family, same group address and same
// port.
func TestIPv6MulticastListener(t *testing.T) {}

func checkMulticastListener(c *UDPConn, ip IP) error {}

func multicastRIBContains(ip IP) (bool, error) {}

// Issue 21856.
func TestClosingListener(t *testing.T) {}

func TestListenConfigControl(t *testing.T) {}