
var debug

type debugT

func (d debugT) Printf(format string, args ...any) {}

type Message

// ReadMessage reads a message from r.
// The headers are parsed, and the body of the message will be available
// for reading from msg.Body.
func ReadMessage(r io.Reader) (msg *Message, err error) {}

// readHeader reads the message headers from r.
// This is like textproto.ReadMIMEHeader, but doesn't validate.
// The fix for issue #53188 tightened up net/textproto to enforce
// restrictions of RFC 7230.
// This package implements RFC 5322, which does not have those restrictions.
// This function copies the relevant code from net/textproto,
// simplified for RFC 5322.
func readHeader(r *textproto.Reader) (map[string][]string, error) {}

var dateLayoutsBuildOnce

var dateLayouts

func buildDateLayouts() {}

// ParseDate parses an RFC 5322 date string.
func ParseDate(date string) (time.Time, error) {}

type Header

// Get gets the first value associated with the given key.
// It is case insensitive; CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey is used
// to canonicalize the provided key.
// If there are no values associated with the key, Get returns "".
// To access multiple values of a key, or to use non-canonical keys,
// access the map directly.
func (h Header) Get(key string) string {}

var ErrHeaderNotPresent

// Date parses the Date header field.
func (h Header) Date() (time.Time, error) {}

// AddressList parses the named header field as a list of addresses.
func (h Header) AddressList(key string) ([]*Address, error) {}

type Address

// ParseAddress parses a single RFC 5322 address, e.g. "Barry Gibbs <[email protected]>"
func ParseAddress(address string) (*Address, error) {}

// ParseAddressList parses the given string as a list of addresses.
func ParseAddressList(list string) ([]*Address, error) {}

type AddressParser

// Parse parses a single RFC 5322 address of the
// form "Gogh Fir <[email protected]>" or "[email protected]".
func (p *AddressParser) Parse(address string) (*Address, error) {}

// ParseList parses the given string as a list of comma-separated addresses
// of the form "Gogh Fir <[email protected]>" or "[email protected]".
func (p *AddressParser) ParseList(list string) ([]*Address, error) {}

// String formats the address as a valid RFC 5322 address.
// If the address's name contains non-ASCII characters
// the name will be rendered according to RFC 2047.
func (a *Address) String() string {}

type addrParser

func (p *addrParser) parseAddressList() ([]*Address, error) {}

func (p *addrParser) parseSingleAddress() (*Address, error) {}

// parseAddress parses a single RFC 5322 address at the start of p.
func (p *addrParser) parseAddress(handleGroup bool) ([]*Address, error) {}

func (p *addrParser) consumeGroupList() ([]*Address, error) {}

// consumeAddrSpec parses a single RFC 5322 addr-spec at the start of p.
func (p *addrParser) consumeAddrSpec() (spec string, err error) {}

// consumePhrase parses the RFC 5322 phrase at the start of p.
func (p *addrParser) consumePhrase() (phrase string, err error) {}

// consumeQuotedString parses the quoted string at the start of p.
func (p *addrParser) consumeQuotedString() (qs string, err error) {}

// consumeAtom parses an RFC 5322 atom at the start of p.
// If dot is true, consumeAtom parses an RFC 5322 dot-atom instead.
// If permissive is true, consumeAtom will not fail on:
// - leading/trailing/double dots in the atom (see golang.org/issue/4938)
func (p *addrParser) consumeAtom(dot bool, permissive bool) (atom string, err error) {}

// consumeDomainLiteral parses an RFC 5322 domain-literal at the start of p.
func (p *addrParser) consumeDomainLiteral() (string, error) {}

func (p *addrParser) consumeDisplayNameComment() (string, error) {}

func (p *addrParser) consume(c byte) bool {}

// skipSpace skips the leading space and tab characters.
func (p *addrParser) skipSpace() {}

func (p *addrParser) peek() byte {}

func (p *addrParser) empty() bool {}

func (p *addrParser) len() int {}

// skipCFWS skips CFWS as defined in RFC5322.
func (p *addrParser) skipCFWS() bool {}

func (p *addrParser) consumeComment() (string, bool) {}

func (p *addrParser) decodeRFC2047Word(s string) (word string, isEncoded bool, err error) {}

var rfc2047Decoder

type charsetError

func (e charsetError) Error() string {}

// isAtext reports whether r is an RFC 5322 atext character.
// If dot is true, period is included.
func isAtext(r rune, dot bool) bool {}

// isQtext reports whether r is an RFC 5322 qtext character.
func isQtext(r rune) bool {}

// quoteString renders a string as an RFC 5322 quoted-string.
func quoteString(s string) string {}

// isVchar reports whether r is an RFC 5322 VCHAR character.
func isVchar(r rune) bool {}

// isMultibyte reports whether r is a multi-byte UTF-8 character
// as supported by RFC 6532.
func isMultibyte(r rune) bool {}

// isWSP reports whether r is a WSP (white space).
// WSP is a space or horizontal tab (RFC 5234 Appendix B).
func isWSP(r rune) bool {}

// isDtext reports whether r is an RFC 5322 dtext character.
func isDtext(r rune) bool {}