
var corpus

func FuzzParse(f *testing.F) {}

// checkTextMarshaler checks that x's MarshalText and UnmarshalText functions round trip correctly.
func checkTextMarshaler(t *testing.T, x encoding.TextMarshaler) {}

// checkBinaryMarshaler checks that x's MarshalText and UnmarshalText functions round trip correctly.
func checkBinaryMarshaler(t *testing.T, x encoding.BinaryMarshaler) {}

func checkTextMarshalMatchesString(t *testing.T, x netipType) {}

type appendMarshaler

// checkTextMarshalMatchesAppendTo checks that x's MarshalText matches x's AppendTo.
func checkTextMarshalMatchesAppendTo(t *testing.T, x appendMarshaler) {}

type netipType

type netipTypeCmp

// checkStringParseRoundTrip checks that x's String method and the provided parse function can round trip correctly.
func checkStringParseRoundTrip[P netipTypeCmp](t *testing.T, x P, parse func(string) (P, error)) {}

func checkEncoding(t *testing.T, x netipType) {}