
type file

func (f *file) close() {}

func (f *file) getLineFromData() (s string, ok bool) {}

func (f *file) readLine() (s string, ok bool) {}

func (f *file) stat() (mtime time.Time, size int64, err error) {}

func open(name string) (*file, error) {}

func stat(name string) (mtime time.Time, size int64, err error) {}

// Count occurrences in s of any bytes in t.
func countAnyByte(s string, t string) int {}

// Split s at any bytes in t.
func splitAtBytes(s string, t string) []string {}

func getFields(s string) []string {}

const big

// Decimal to integer.
// Returns number, characters consumed, success.
func dtoi(s string) (n int, i int, ok bool) {}

// Hexadecimal to integer.
// Returns number, characters consumed, success.
func xtoi(s string) (n int, i int, ok bool) {}

// xtoi2 converts the next two hex digits of s into a byte.
// If s is longer than 2 bytes then the third byte must be e.
// If the first two bytes of s are not hex digits or the third byte
// does not match e, false is returned.
func xtoi2(s string, e byte) (byte, bool) {}

// hasUpperCase tells whether the given string contains at least one upper-case.
func hasUpperCase(s string) bool {}

// lowerASCIIBytes makes x ASCII lowercase in-place.
func lowerASCIIBytes(x []byte) {}

// lowerASCII returns the ASCII lowercase version of b.
func lowerASCII(b byte) byte {}

// trimSpace returns x without any leading or trailing ASCII whitespace.
func trimSpace(x string) string {}

// isSpace reports whether b is an ASCII space character.
func isSpace(b byte) bool {}

// removeComment returns line, removing any '#' byte and any following
// bytes.
func removeComment(line string) string {}

// foreachField runs fn on each non-empty run of non-space bytes in x.
// It returns the first non-nil error returned by fn.
func foreachField(x string, fn func(field string) error) error {}

// stringsHasSuffixFold reports whether s ends in suffix,
// ASCII-case-insensitively.
func stringsHasSuffixFold(s, suffix string) bool {}

// stringsEqualFold is strings.EqualFold, ASCII only. It reports whether s and t
// are equal, ASCII-case-insensitively.
func stringsEqualFold(s, t string) bool {}