
type ServerError

func (e ServerError) Error() string {}

var ErrShutdown

type Call

type Client

type ClientCodec

func (client *Client) send(call *Call) {}

func (client *Client) input() {}

func (call *Call) done() {}

// NewClient returns a new [Client] to handle requests to the
// set of services at the other end of the connection.
// It adds a buffer to the write side of the connection so
// the header and payload are sent as a unit.
// The read and write halves of the connection are serialized independently,
// so no interlocking is required. However each half may be accessed
// concurrently so the implementation of conn should protect against
// concurrent reads or concurrent writes.
func NewClient(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *Client {}

// NewClientWithCodec is like [NewClient] but uses the specified
// codec to encode requests and decode responses.
func NewClientWithCodec(codec ClientCodec) *Client {}

type gobClientCodec

func (c *gobClientCodec) WriteRequest(r *Request, body any) (err error) {}

func (c *gobClientCodec) ReadResponseHeader(r *Response) error {}

func (c *gobClientCodec) ReadResponseBody(body any) error {}

func (c *gobClientCodec) Close() error {}

// DialHTTP connects to an HTTP RPC server at the specified network address
// listening on the default HTTP RPC path.
func DialHTTP(network, address string) (*Client, error) {}

// DialHTTPPath connects to an HTTP RPC server
// at the specified network address and path.
func DialHTTPPath(network, address, path string) (*Client, error) {}

// Dial connects to an RPC server at the specified network address.
func Dial(network, address string) (*Client, error) {}

// Close calls the underlying codec's Close method. If the connection is already
// shutting down, [ErrShutdown] is returned.
func (client *Client) Close() error {}

// Go invokes the function asynchronously. It returns the [Call] structure representing
// the invocation. The done channel will signal when the call is complete by returning
// the same Call object. If done is nil, Go will allocate a new channel.
// If non-nil, done must be buffered or Go will deliberately crash.
func (client *Client) Go(serviceMethod string, args any, reply any, done chan *Call) *Call {}

// Call invokes the named function, waits for it to complete, and returns its error status.
func (client *Client) Call(serviceMethod string, args any, reply any) error {}