
type clientCodec

// NewClientCodec returns a new [rpc.ClientCodec] using JSON-RPC on conn.
func NewClientCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) rpc.ClientCodec {}

type clientRequest

func (c *clientCodec) WriteRequest(r *rpc.Request, param any) error {}

type clientResponse

func (r *clientResponse) reset() {}

func (c *clientCodec) ReadResponseHeader(r *rpc.Response) error {}

func (c *clientCodec) ReadResponseBody(x any) error {}

func (c *clientCodec) Close() error {}

// NewClient returns a new [rpc.Client] to handle requests to the
// set of services at the other end of the connection.
func NewClient(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *rpc.Client {}

// Dial connects to a JSON-RPC server at the specified network address.
func Dial(network, address string) (*rpc.Client, error) {}