
const DefaultRPCPath

const DefaultDebugPath

var typeOfError

type methodType

type service

type Request

type Response

type Server

// NewServer returns a new [Server].
func NewServer() *Server {}

var DefaultServer

// Is this type exported or a builtin?
func isExportedOrBuiltinType(t reflect.Type) bool {}

// Register publishes in the server the set of methods of the
// receiver value that satisfy the following conditions:
//   - exported method of exported type
//   - two arguments, both of exported type
//   - the second argument is a pointer
//   - one return value, of type error
// It returns an error if the receiver is not an exported type or has
// no suitable methods. It also logs the error using package log.
// The client accesses each method using a string of the form "Type.Method",
// where Type is the receiver's concrete type.
func (server *Server) Register(rcvr any) error {}

// RegisterName is like [Register] but uses the provided name for the type
// instead of the receiver's concrete type.
func (server *Server) RegisterName(name string, rcvr any) error {}

const logRegisterError

func (server *Server) register(rcvr any, name string, useName bool) error {}

// suitableMethods returns suitable Rpc methods of typ. It will log
// errors if logErr is true.
func suitableMethods(typ reflect.Type, logErr bool) map[string]*methodType {}

var invalidRequest

func (server *Server) sendResponse(sending *sync.Mutex, req *Request, reply any, codec ServerCodec, errmsg string) {}

func (m *methodType) NumCalls() (n uint) {}

func (s *service) call(server *Server, sending *sync.Mutex, wg *sync.WaitGroup, mtype *methodType, req *Request, argv, replyv reflect.Value, codec ServerCodec) {}

type gobServerCodec

func (c *gobServerCodec) ReadRequestHeader(r *Request) error {}

func (c *gobServerCodec) ReadRequestBody(body any) error {}

func (c *gobServerCodec) WriteResponse(r *Response, body any) (err error) {}

func (c *gobServerCodec) Close() error {}

// ServeConn runs the server on a single connection.
// ServeConn blocks, serving the connection until the client hangs up.
// The caller typically invokes ServeConn in a go statement.
// ServeConn uses the gob wire format (see package gob) on the
// connection. To use an alternate codec, use [ServeCodec].
// See [NewClient]'s comment for information about concurrent access.
func (server *Server) ServeConn(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) {}

// ServeCodec is like [ServeConn] but uses the specified codec to
// decode requests and encode responses.
func (server *Server) ServeCodec(codec ServerCodec) {}

// ServeRequest is like [ServeCodec] but synchronously serves a single request.
// It does not close the codec upon completion.
func (server *Server) ServeRequest(codec ServerCodec) error {}

func (server *Server) getRequest() *Request {}

func (server *Server) freeRequest(req *Request) {}

func (server *Server) getResponse() *Response {}

func (server *Server) freeResponse(resp *Response) {}

func (server *Server) readRequest(codec ServerCodec) (service *service, mtype *methodType, req *Request, argv, replyv reflect.Value, keepReading bool, err error) {}

func (server *Server) readRequestHeader(codec ServerCodec) (svc *service, mtype *methodType, req *Request, keepReading bool, err error) {}

// Accept accepts connections on the listener and serves requests
// for each incoming connection. Accept blocks until the listener
// returns a non-nil error. The caller typically invokes Accept in a
// go statement.
func (server *Server) Accept(lis net.Listener) {}

// Register publishes the receiver's methods in the [DefaultServer].
func Register(rcvr any) error {}

// RegisterName is like [Register] but uses the provided name for the type
// instead of the receiver's concrete type.
func RegisterName(name string, rcvr any) error {}

type ServerCodec

// ServeConn runs the [DefaultServer] on a single connection.
// ServeConn blocks, serving the connection until the client hangs up.
// The caller typically invokes ServeConn in a go statement.
// ServeConn uses the gob wire format (see package gob) on the
// connection. To use an alternate codec, use [ServeCodec].
// See [NewClient]'s comment for information about concurrent access.
func ServeConn(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) {}

// ServeCodec is like [ServeConn] but uses the specified codec to
// decode requests and encode responses.
func ServeCodec(codec ServerCodec) {}

// ServeRequest is like [ServeCodec] but synchronously serves a single request.
// It does not close the codec upon completion.
func ServeRequest(codec ServerCodec) error {}

// Accept accepts connections on the listener and serves requests
// to [DefaultServer] for each incoming connection.
// Accept blocks; the caller typically invokes it in a go statement.
func Accept(lis net.Listener) {}

var connected

// ServeHTTP implements an [http.Handler] that answers RPC requests.
func (server *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

// HandleHTTP registers an HTTP handler for RPC messages on rpcPath,
// and a debugging handler on debugPath.
// It is still necessary to invoke [http.Serve](), typically in a go statement.
func (server *Server) HandleHTTP(rpcPath, debugPath string) {}

// HandleHTTP registers an HTTP handler for RPC messages to [DefaultServer]
// on [DefaultRPCPath] and a debugging handler on [DefaultDebugPath].
// It is still necessary to invoke [http.Serve](), typically in a go statement.
func HandleHTTP() {}