
type TCPAddr

// AddrPort returns the [TCPAddr] a as a [netip.AddrPort].
// If a.Port does not fit in a uint16, it's silently truncated.
// If a is nil, a zero value is returned.
func (a *TCPAddr) AddrPort() netip.AddrPort {}

// Network returns the address's network name, "tcp".
func (a *TCPAddr) Network() string {}

func (a *TCPAddr) String() string {}

func (a *TCPAddr) isWildcard() bool {}

func (a *TCPAddr) opAddr() Addr {}

// ResolveTCPAddr returns an address of TCP end point.
// The network must be a TCP network name.
// If the host in the address parameter is not a literal IP address or
// the port is not a literal port number, ResolveTCPAddr resolves the
// address to an address of TCP end point.
// Otherwise, it parses the address as a pair of literal IP address
// and port number.
// The address parameter can use a host name, but this is not
// recommended, because it will return at most one of the host name's
// IP addresses.
// See func [Dial] for a description of the network and address
// parameters.
func ResolveTCPAddr(network, address string) (*TCPAddr, error) {}

// TCPAddrFromAddrPort returns addr as a [TCPAddr]. If addr.IsValid() is false,
// then the returned TCPAddr will contain a nil IP field, indicating an
// address family-agnostic unspecified address.
func TCPAddrFromAddrPort(addr netip.AddrPort) *TCPAddr {}

type TCPConn

type KeepAliveConfig

// SyscallConn returns a raw network connection.
// This implements the [syscall.Conn] interface.
func (c *TCPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error) {}

// ReadFrom implements the [io.ReaderFrom] ReadFrom method.
func (c *TCPConn) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error) {}

// WriteTo implements the io.WriterTo WriteTo method.
func (c *TCPConn) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {}

// CloseRead shuts down the reading side of the TCP connection.
// Most callers should just use Close.
func (c *TCPConn) CloseRead() error {}

// CloseWrite shuts down the writing side of the TCP connection.
// Most callers should just use Close.
func (c *TCPConn) CloseWrite() error {}

// SetLinger sets the behavior of Close on a connection which still
// has data waiting to be sent or to be acknowledged.
// If sec < 0 (the default), the operating system finishes sending the
// data in the background.
// If sec == 0, the operating system discards any unsent or
// unacknowledged data.
// If sec > 0, the data is sent in the background as with sec < 0.
// On some operating systems including Linux, this may cause Close to block
// until all data has been sent or discarded.
// On some operating systems after sec seconds have elapsed any remaining
// unsent data may be discarded.
func (c *TCPConn) SetLinger(sec int) error {}

// SetKeepAlive sets whether the operating system should send
// keep-alive messages on the connection.
func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlive(keepalive bool) error {}

// SetKeepAlivePeriod sets the duration the connection needs to
// remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes.
// Note that calling this method on Windows prior to Windows 10 version 1709
// will reset the KeepAliveInterval to the default system value, which is normally 1 second.
func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlivePeriod(d time.Duration) error {}

// SetNoDelay controls whether the operating system should delay
// packet transmission in hopes of sending fewer packets (Nagle's
// algorithm).  The default is true (no delay), meaning that data is
// sent as soon as possible after a Write.
func (c *TCPConn) SetNoDelay(noDelay bool) error {}

// MultipathTCP reports whether the ongoing connection is using MPTCP.
// If Multipath TCP is not supported by the host, by the other peer or
// intentionally / accidentally filtered out by a device in between, a
// fallback to TCP will be done. This method does its best to check if
// MPTCP is still being used or not.
// On Linux, more conditions are verified on kernels >= v5.16, improving
// the results.
func (c *TCPConn) MultipathTCP() (bool, error) {}

func newTCPConn(fd *netFD, keepAliveIdle time.Duration, keepAliveCfg KeepAliveConfig, preKeepAliveHook func(*netFD), keepAliveHook func(KeepAliveConfig)) *TCPConn {}

// DialTCP acts like [Dial] for TCP networks.
// The network must be a TCP network name; see func Dial for details.
// If laddr is nil, a local address is automatically chosen.
// If the IP field of raddr is nil or an unspecified IP address, the
// local system is assumed.
func DialTCP(network string, laddr, raddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPConn, error) {}

type TCPListener

// SyscallConn returns a raw network connection.
// This implements the [syscall.Conn] interface.
// The returned RawConn only supports calling Control. Read and
// Write return an error.
func (l *TCPListener) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error) {}

// AcceptTCP accepts the next incoming call and returns the new
// connection.
func (l *TCPListener) AcceptTCP() (*TCPConn, error) {}

// Accept implements the Accept method in the [Listener] interface; it
// waits for the next call and returns a generic [Conn].
func (l *TCPListener) Accept() (Conn, error) {}

// Close stops listening on the TCP address.
// Already Accepted connections are not closed.
func (l *TCPListener) Close() error {}

// Addr returns the listener's network address, a [*TCPAddr].
// The Addr returned is shared by all invocations of Addr, so
// do not modify it.
func (l *TCPListener) Addr() Addr {}

// SetDeadline sets the deadline associated with the listener.
// A zero time value disables the deadline.
func (l *TCPListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {}

// File returns a copy of the underlying [os.File].
// It is the caller's responsibility to close f when finished.
// Closing l does not affect f, and closing f does not affect l.
// The returned os.File's file descriptor is different from the
// connection's. Attempting to change properties of the original
// using this duplicate may or may not have the desired effect.
func (l *TCPListener) File() (f *os.File, err error) {}

// ListenTCP acts like [Listen] for TCP networks.
// The network must be a TCP network name; see func Dial for details.
// If the IP field of laddr is nil or an unspecified IP address,
// ListenTCP listens on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses
// of the local system.
// If the Port field of laddr is 0, a port number is automatically
// chosen.
func ListenTCP(network string, laddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPListener, error) {}

// roundDurationUp rounds d to the next multiple of to.
func roundDurationUp(d time.Duration, to time.Duration) time.Duration {}