
var errMessageTooLarge

type Reader

// NewReader returns a new [Reader] reading from r.
// To avoid denial of service attacks, the provided [bufio.Reader]
// should be reading from an [io.LimitReader] or similar Reader to bound
// the size of responses.
func NewReader(r *bufio.Reader) *Reader {}

// ReadLine reads a single line from r,
// eliding the final \n or \r\n from the returned string.
func (r *Reader) ReadLine() (string, error) {}

// ReadLineBytes is like [Reader.ReadLine] but returns a []byte instead of a string.
func (r *Reader) ReadLineBytes() ([]byte, error) {}

// readLineSlice reads a single line from r,
// up to lim bytes long (or unlimited if lim is less than 0),
// eliding the final \r or \r\n from the returned string.
func (r *Reader) readLineSlice(lim int64) ([]byte, error) {}

// ReadContinuedLine reads a possibly continued line from r,
// eliding the final trailing ASCII white space.
// Lines after the first are considered continuations if they
// begin with a space or tab character. In the returned data,
// continuation lines are separated from the previous line
// only by a single space: the newline and leading white space
// are removed.
// For example, consider this input:
//	Line 1
//	  continued...
//	Line 2
// The first call to ReadContinuedLine will return "Line 1 continued..."
// and the second will return "Line 2".
// Empty lines are never continued.
func (r *Reader) ReadContinuedLine() (string, error) {}

// trim returns s with leading and trailing spaces and tabs removed.
// It does not assume Unicode or UTF-8.
func trim(s []byte) []byte {}

// ReadContinuedLineBytes is like [Reader.ReadContinuedLine] but
// returns a []byte instead of a string.
func (r *Reader) ReadContinuedLineBytes() ([]byte, error) {}

// readContinuedLineSlice reads continued lines from the reader buffer,
// returning a byte slice with all lines. The validateFirstLine function
// is run on the first read line, and if it returns an error then this
// error is returned from readContinuedLineSlice.
// It reads up to lim bytes of data (or unlimited if lim is less than 0).
func (r *Reader) readContinuedLineSlice(lim int64, validateFirstLine func([]byte) error) ([]byte, error) {}

// skipSpace skips R over all spaces and returns the number of bytes skipped.
func (r *Reader) skipSpace() int {}

func (r *Reader) readCodeLine(expectCode int) (code int, continued bool, message string, err error) {}

func parseCodeLine(line string, expectCode int) (code int, continued bool, message string, err error) {}

// ReadCodeLine reads a response code line of the form
//	code message
// where code is a three-digit status code and the message
// extends to the rest of the line. An example of such a line is:
//	220 plan9.bell-labs.com ESMTP
// If the prefix of the status does not match the digits in expectCode,
// ReadCodeLine returns with err set to &Error{code, message}.
// For example, if expectCode is 31, an error will be returned if
// the status is not in the range [310,319].
// If the response is multi-line, ReadCodeLine returns an error.
// An expectCode <= 0 disables the check of the status code.
func (r *Reader) ReadCodeLine(expectCode int) (code int, message string, err error) {}

// ReadResponse reads a multi-line response of the form:
//	code-message line 1
//	code-message line 2
//	...
//	code message line n
// where code is a three-digit status code. The first line starts with the
// code and a hyphen. The response is terminated by a line that starts
// with the same code followed by a space. Each line in message is
// separated by a newline (\n).
// See page 36 of RFC 959 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt) for
// details of another form of response accepted:
//	code-message line 1
//	message line 2
//	...
//	code message line n
// If the prefix of the status does not match the digits in expectCode,
// ReadResponse returns with err set to &Error{code, message}.
// For example, if expectCode is 31, an error will be returned if
// the status is not in the range [310,319].
// An expectCode <= 0 disables the check of the status code.
func (r *Reader) ReadResponse(expectCode int) (code int, message string, err error) {}

// DotReader returns a new [Reader] that satisfies Reads using the
// decoded text of a dot-encoded block read from r.
// The returned Reader is only valid until the next call
// to a method on r.
// Dot encoding is a common framing used for data blocks
// in text protocols such as SMTP.  The data consists of a sequence
// of lines, each of which ends in "\r\n".  The sequence itself
// ends at a line containing just a dot: ".\r\n".  Lines beginning
// with a dot are escaped with an additional dot to avoid
// looking like the end of the sequence.
// The decoded form returned by the Reader's Read method
// rewrites the "\r\n" line endings into the simpler "\n",
// removes leading dot escapes if present, and stops with error [io.EOF]
// after consuming (and discarding) the end-of-sequence line.
func (r *Reader) DotReader() io.Reader {}

type dotReader

// Read satisfies reads by decoding dot-encoded data read from d.r.
func (d *dotReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// closeDot drains the current DotReader if any,
// making sure that it reads until the ending dot line.
func (r *Reader) closeDot() {}

// ReadDotBytes reads a dot-encoding and returns the decoded data.
// See the documentation for the [Reader.DotReader] method for details about dot-encoding.
func (r *Reader) ReadDotBytes() ([]byte, error) {}

// ReadDotLines reads a dot-encoding and returns a slice
// containing the decoded lines, with the final \r\n or \n elided from each.
// See the documentation for the [Reader.DotReader] method for details about dot-encoding.
func (r *Reader) ReadDotLines() ([]string, error) {}

var colon

// ReadMIMEHeader reads a MIME-style header from r.
// The header is a sequence of possibly continued Key: Value lines
// ending in a blank line.
// The returned map m maps [CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey](key) to a
// sequence of values in the same order encountered in the input.
// For example, consider this input:
//	My-Key: Value 1
//	Long-Key: Even
//	       Longer Value
//	My-Key: Value 2
// Given that input, ReadMIMEHeader returns the map:
//	map[string][]string{
//		"My-Key": {"Value 1", "Value 2"},
//		"Long-Key": {"Even Longer Value"},
//	}
func (r *Reader) ReadMIMEHeader() (MIMEHeader, error) {}

// readMIMEHeader is a version of ReadMIMEHeader which takes a limit on the header size.
// It is called by the mime/multipart package.
func readMIMEHeader(r *Reader, maxMemory, maxHeaders int64) (MIMEHeader, error) {}

// noValidation is a no-op validation func for readContinuedLineSlice
// that permits any lines.
func noValidation(_ []byte) error {}

// mustHaveFieldNameColon ensures that, per RFC 7230, the
// field-name is on a single line, so the first line must
// contain a colon.
func mustHaveFieldNameColon(line []byte) error {}

var nl

// upcomingHeaderKeys returns an approximation of the number of keys
// that will be in this header. If it gets confused, it returns 0.
func (r *Reader) upcomingHeaderKeys() (n int) {}

// CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey returns the canonical format of the
// MIME header key s. The canonicalization converts the first
// letter and any letter following a hyphen to upper case;
// the rest are converted to lowercase. For example, the
// canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
// MIME header keys are assumed to be ASCII only.
// If s contains a space or invalid header field bytes, it is
// returned without modifications.
func CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(s string) string {}

const toLower

// validHeaderFieldByte reports whether c is a valid byte in a header
// field name. RFC 7230 says:
//	header-field   = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
//	field-name     = token
//	tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "." /
//	        "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" / DIGIT / ALPHA
//	token = 1*tchar
func validHeaderFieldByte(c byte) bool {}

// validHeaderValueByte reports whether c is a valid byte in a header
// field value. RFC 7230 says:
//	field-content  = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ]
//	field-vchar    = VCHAR / obs-text
//	obs-text       = %x80-FF
// RFC 5234 says:
//	HTAB           =  %x09
//	SP             =  %x20
//	VCHAR          =  %x21-7E
func validHeaderValueByte(c byte) bool {}

// canonicalMIMEHeaderKey is like CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey but is
// allowed to mutate the provided byte slice before returning the
// string.
// For invalid inputs (if a contains spaces or non-token bytes), a
// is unchanged and a string copy is returned.
// ok is true if the header key contains only valid characters and spaces.
// ReadMIMEHeader accepts header keys containing spaces, but does not
// canonicalize them.
func canonicalMIMEHeaderKey(a []byte) (_ string, ok bool) {}

var commonHeader

var commonHeaderOnce

func initCommonHeader() {}