
type Error

func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {}

func (e *Error) Error() string {}

func (e *Error) Timeout() bool {}

func (e *Error) Temporary() bool {}

const upperhex

func ishex(c byte) bool {}

func unhex(c byte) byte {}

type encoding

const encodePath

const encodePathSegment

const encodeHost

const encodeZone

const encodeUserPassword

const encodeQueryComponent

const encodeFragment

type EscapeError

func (e EscapeError) Error() string {}

type InvalidHostError

func (e InvalidHostError) Error() string {}

// Return true if the specified character should be escaped when
// appearing in a URL string, according to RFC 3986.
// Please be informed that for now shouldEscape does not check all
// reserved characters correctly. See golang.org/issue/5684.
func shouldEscape(c byte, mode encoding) bool {}

// QueryUnescape does the inverse transformation of [QueryEscape],
// converting each 3-byte encoded substring of the form "%AB" into the
// hex-decoded byte 0xAB.
// It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal
// digits.
func QueryUnescape(s string) (string, error) {}

// PathUnescape does the inverse transformation of [PathEscape],
// converting each 3-byte encoded substring of the form "%AB" into the
// hex-decoded byte 0xAB. It returns an error if any % is not followed
// by two hexadecimal digits.
// PathUnescape is identical to [QueryUnescape] except that it does not
// unescape '+' to ' ' (space).
func PathUnescape(s string) (string, error) {}

// unescape unescapes a string; the mode specifies
// which section of the URL string is being unescaped.
func unescape(s string, mode encoding) (string, error) {}

// QueryEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed
// inside a [URL] query.
func QueryEscape(s string) string {}

// PathEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a [URL] path segment,
// replacing special characters (including /) with %XX sequences as needed.
func PathEscape(s string) string {}

func escape(s string, mode encoding) string {}

type URL

// User returns a [Userinfo] containing the provided username
// and no password set.
func User(username string) *Userinfo {}

// UserPassword returns a [Userinfo] containing the provided username
// and password.
// This functionality should only be used with legacy web sites.
// RFC 2396 warns that interpreting Userinfo this way
// “is NOT RECOMMENDED, because the passing of authentication
// information in clear text (such as URI) has proven to be a
// security risk in almost every case where it has been used.”
func UserPassword(username, password string) *Userinfo {}

type Userinfo

// Username returns the username.
func (u *Userinfo) Username() string {}

// Password returns the password in case it is set, and whether it is set.
func (u *Userinfo) Password() (string, bool) {}

// String returns the encoded userinfo information in the standard form
// of "username[:password]".
func (u *Userinfo) String() string {}

// Maybe rawURL is of the form scheme:path.
// (Scheme must be [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*)
// If so, return scheme, path; else return "", rawURL.
func getScheme(rawURL string) (scheme, path string, err error) {}

// Parse parses a raw url into a [URL] structure.
// The url may be relative (a path, without a host) or absolute
// (starting with a scheme). Trying to parse a hostname and path
// without a scheme is invalid but may not necessarily return an
// error, due to parsing ambiguities.
func Parse(rawURL string) (*URL, error) {}

// ParseRequestURI parses a raw url into a [URL] structure. It assumes that
// url was received in an HTTP request, so the url is interpreted
// only as an absolute URI or an absolute path.
// The string url is assumed not to have a #fragment suffix.
// (Web browsers strip #fragment before sending the URL to a web server.)
func ParseRequestURI(rawURL string) (*URL, error) {}

// parse parses a URL from a string in one of two contexts. If
// viaRequest is true, the URL is assumed to have arrived via an HTTP request,
// in which case only absolute URLs or path-absolute relative URLs are allowed.
// If viaRequest is false, all forms of relative URLs are allowed.
func parse(rawURL string, viaRequest bool) (*URL, error) {}

func parseAuthority(authority string) (user *Userinfo, host string, err error) {}

// parseHost parses host as an authority without user
// information. That is, as host[:port].
func parseHost(host string) (string, error) {}

// setPath sets the Path and RawPath fields of the URL based on the provided
// escaped path p. It maintains the invariant that RawPath is only specified
// when it differs from the default encoding of the path.
// For example:
// - setPath("/foo/bar")   will set Path="/foo/bar" and RawPath=""
// - setPath("/foo%2fbar") will set Path="/foo/bar" and RawPath="/foo%2fbar"
// setPath will return an error only if the provided path contains an invalid
// escaping.
// setPath should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/sagernet/sing
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname badSetPath net/url.(*URL).setPath
func (u *URL) setPath(p string) error {}

// for linkname because we cannot linkname methods directly
func badSetPath(*URL, string) error

// EscapedPath returns the escaped form of u.Path.
// In general there are multiple possible escaped forms of any path.
// EscapedPath returns u.RawPath when it is a valid escaping of u.Path.
// Otherwise EscapedPath ignores u.RawPath and computes an escaped
// form on its own.
// The [URL.String] and [URL.RequestURI] methods use EscapedPath to construct
// their results.
// In general, code should call EscapedPath instead of
// reading u.RawPath directly.
func (u *URL) EscapedPath() string {}

// validEncoded reports whether s is a valid encoded path or fragment,
// according to mode.
// It must not contain any bytes that require escaping during encoding.
func validEncoded(s string, mode encoding) bool {}

// setFragment is like setPath but for Fragment/RawFragment.
func (u *URL) setFragment(f string) error {}

// EscapedFragment returns the escaped form of u.Fragment.
// In general there are multiple possible escaped forms of any fragment.
// EscapedFragment returns u.RawFragment when it is a valid escaping of u.Fragment.
// Otherwise EscapedFragment ignores u.RawFragment and computes an escaped
// form on its own.
// The [URL.String] method uses EscapedFragment to construct its result.
// In general, code should call EscapedFragment instead of
// reading u.RawFragment directly.
func (u *URL) EscapedFragment() string {}

// validOptionalPort reports whether port is either an empty string
// or matches /^:\d*$/
func validOptionalPort(port string) bool {}

// String reassembles the [URL] into a valid URL string.
// The general form of the result is one of:
//	scheme:opaque?query#fragment
//	scheme://userinfo@host/path?query#fragment
// If u.Opaque is non-empty, String uses the first form;
// otherwise it uses the second form.
// Any non-ASCII characters in host are escaped.
// To obtain the path, String uses u.EscapedPath().
// In the second form, the following rules apply:
//   - if u.Scheme is empty, scheme: is omitted.
//   - if u.User is nil, userinfo@ is omitted.
//   - if u.Host is empty, host/ is omitted.
//   - if u.Scheme and u.Host are empty and u.User is nil,
//     the entire scheme://userinfo@host/ is omitted.
//   - if u.Host is non-empty and u.Path begins with a /,
//     the form host/path does not add its own /.
//   - if u.RawQuery is empty, ?query is omitted.
//   - if u.Fragment is empty, #fragment is omitted.
func (u *URL) String() string {}

// Redacted is like [URL.String] but replaces any password with "xxxxx".
// Only the password in u.User is redacted.
func (u *URL) Redacted() string {}

type Values

// Get gets the first value associated with the given key.
// If there are no values associated with the key, Get returns
// the empty string. To access multiple values, use the map
// directly.
func (v Values) Get(key string) string {}

// Set sets the key to value. It replaces any existing
// values.
func (v Values) Set(key, value string) {}

// Add adds the value to key. It appends to any existing
// values associated with key.
func (v Values) Add(key, value string) {}

// Del deletes the values associated with key.
func (v Values) Del(key string) {}

// Has checks whether a given key is set.
func (v Values) Has(key string) bool {}

// ParseQuery parses the URL-encoded query string and returns
// a map listing the values specified for each key.
// ParseQuery always returns a non-nil map containing all the
// valid query parameters found; err describes the first decoding error
// encountered, if any.
// Query is expected to be a list of key=value settings separated by ampersands.
// A setting without an equals sign is interpreted as a key set to an empty
// value.
// Settings containing a non-URL-encoded semicolon are considered invalid.
func ParseQuery(query string) (Values, error) {}

func parseQuery(m Values, query string) (err error) {}

// Encode encodes the values into “URL encoded” form
// ("bar=baz&foo=quux") sorted by key.
func (v Values) Encode() string {}

// resolvePath applies special path segments from refs and applies
// them to base, per RFC 3986.
func resolvePath(base, ref string) string {}

// IsAbs reports whether the [URL] is absolute.
// Absolute means that it has a non-empty scheme.
func (u *URL) IsAbs() bool {}

// Parse parses a [URL] in the context of the receiver. The provided URL
// may be relative or absolute. Parse returns nil, err on parse
// failure, otherwise its return value is the same as [URL.ResolveReference].
func (u *URL) Parse(ref string) (*URL, error) {}

// ResolveReference resolves a URI reference to an absolute URI from
// an absolute base URI u, per RFC 3986 Section 5.2. The URI reference
// may be relative or absolute. ResolveReference always returns a new
// [URL] instance, even if the returned URL is identical to either the
// base or reference. If ref is an absolute URL, then ResolveReference
// ignores base and returns a copy of ref.
func (u *URL) ResolveReference(ref *URL) *URL {}

// Query parses RawQuery and returns the corresponding values.
// It silently discards malformed value pairs.
// To check errors use [ParseQuery].
func (u *URL) Query() Values {}

// RequestURI returns the encoded path?query or opaque?query
// string that would be used in an HTTP request for u.
func (u *URL) RequestURI() string {}

// Hostname returns u.Host, stripping any valid port number if present.
// If the result is enclosed in square brackets, as literal IPv6 addresses are,
// the square brackets are removed from the result.
func (u *URL) Hostname() string {}

// Port returns the port part of u.Host, without the leading colon.
// If u.Host doesn't contain a valid numeric port, Port returns an empty string.
func (u *URL) Port() string {}

// splitHostPort separates host and port. If the port is not valid, it returns
// the entire input as host, and it doesn't check the validity of the host.
// Unlike net.SplitHostPort, but per RFC 3986, it requires ports to be numeric.
func splitHostPort(hostPort string) (host, port string) {}

func (u *URL) MarshalBinary() (text []byte, err error) {}

func (u *URL) AppendBinary(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

func (u *URL) UnmarshalBinary(text []byte) error {}

// JoinPath returns a new [URL] with the provided path elements joined to
// any existing path and the resulting path cleaned of any ./ or ../ elements.
// Any sequences of multiple / characters will be reduced to a single /.
func (u *URL) JoinPath(elem ...string) *URL {}

// validUserinfo reports whether s is a valid userinfo string per RFC 3986
// Section 3.2.1:
//	userinfo    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
//	unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
//	sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
//	              / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
// It doesn't validate pct-encoded. The caller does that via func unescape.
func validUserinfo(s string) bool {}

// stringContainsCTLByte reports whether s contains any ASCII control character.
func stringContainsCTLByte(s string) bool {}

// JoinPath returns a [URL] string with the provided path elements joined to
// the existing path of base and the resulting path cleaned of any ./ or ../ elements.
func JoinPath(base string, elem ...string) (result string, err error) {}