
type Error

func (e *Error) Error() string {}

func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {}

var ErrWaitDelay

type wrappedError

func (w wrappedError) Error() string {}

func (w wrappedError) Unwrap() error {}

type Cmd

type ctxResult

var execwait

var execerrdot

// Command returns the [Cmd] struct to execute the named program with
// the given arguments.
// It sets only the Path and Args in the returned structure.
// If name contains no path separators, Command uses [LookPath] to
// resolve name to a complete path if possible. Otherwise it uses name
// directly as Path.
// The returned Cmd's Args field is constructed from the command name
// followed by the elements of arg, so arg should not include the
// command name itself. For example, Command("echo", "hello").
// Args[0] is always name, not the possibly resolved Path.
// On Windows, processes receive the whole command line as a single string
// and do their own parsing. Command combines and quotes Args into a command
// line string with an algorithm compatible with applications using
// CommandLineToArgvW (which is the most common way). Notable exceptions are
// msiexec.exe and cmd.exe (and thus, all batch files), which have a different
// unquoting algorithm. In these or other similar cases, you can do the
// quoting yourself and provide the full command line in SysProcAttr.CmdLine,
// leaving Args empty.
func Command(name string, arg ...string) *Cmd {}

// CommandContext is like [Command] but includes a context.
// The provided context is used to interrupt the process
// (by calling cmd.Cancel or [os.Process.Kill])
// if the context becomes done before the command completes on its own.
// CommandContext sets the command's Cancel function to invoke the Kill method
// on its Process, and leaves its WaitDelay unset. The caller may change the
// cancellation behavior by modifying those fields before starting the command.
func CommandContext(ctx context.Context, name string, arg ...string) *Cmd {}

// String returns a human-readable description of c.
// It is intended only for debugging.
// In particular, it is not suitable for use as input to a shell.
// The output of String may vary across Go releases.
func (c *Cmd) String() string {}

// interfaceEqual protects against panics from doing equality tests on
// two interfaces with non-comparable underlying types.
func interfaceEqual(a, b any) bool {}

func (c *Cmd) argv() []string {}

func (c *Cmd) childStdin() (*os.File, error) {}

func (c *Cmd) childStdout() (*os.File, error) {}

func (c *Cmd) childStderr(childStdout *os.File) (*os.File, error) {}

// writerDescriptor returns an os.File to which the child process
// can write to send data to w.
// If w is nil, writerDescriptor returns a File that writes to os.DevNull.
func (c *Cmd) writerDescriptor(w io.Writer) (*os.File, error) {}

func closeDescriptors(closers []io.Closer) {}

// Run starts the specified command and waits for it to complete.
// The returned error is nil if the command runs, has no problems
// copying stdin, stdout, and stderr, and exits with a zero exit
// status.
// If the command starts but does not complete successfully, the error is of
// type [*ExitError]. Other error types may be returned for other situations.
// If the calling goroutine has locked the operating system thread
// with [runtime.LockOSThread] and modified any inheritable OS-level
// thread state (for example, Linux or Plan 9 name spaces), the new
// process will inherit the caller's thread state.
func (c *Cmd) Run() error {}

// Start starts the specified command but does not wait for it to complete.
// If Start returns successfully, the c.Process field will be set.
// After a successful call to Start the [Cmd.Wait] method must be called in
// order to release associated system resources.
func (c *Cmd) Start() error {}

// watchCtx watches c.ctx until it is able to send a result to resultc.
// If c.ctx is done before a result can be sent, watchCtx calls c.Cancel,
// and/or kills cmd.Process it after c.WaitDelay has elapsed.
// watchCtx manipulates c.goroutineErr, so its result must be received before
// c.awaitGoroutines is called.
func (c *Cmd) watchCtx(resultc chan<- ctxResult) {}

type ExitError

func (e *ExitError) Error() string {}

// Wait waits for the command to exit and waits for any copying to
// stdin or copying from stdout or stderr to complete.
// The command must have been started by [Cmd.Start].
// The returned error is nil if the command runs, has no problems
// copying stdin, stdout, and stderr, and exits with a zero exit
// status.
// If the command fails to run or doesn't complete successfully, the
// error is of type [*ExitError]. Other error types may be
// returned for I/O problems.
// If any of c.Stdin, c.Stdout or c.Stderr are not an [*os.File], Wait also waits
// for the respective I/O loop copying to or from the process to complete.
// Wait releases any resources associated with the [Cmd].
func (c *Cmd) Wait() error {}

// awaitGoroutines waits for the results of the goroutines copying data to or
// from the command's I/O pipes.
// If c.WaitDelay elapses before the goroutines complete, awaitGoroutines
// forcibly closes their pipes and returns ErrWaitDelay.
// If timer is non-nil, it must send to timer.C at the end of c.WaitDelay.
func (c *Cmd) awaitGoroutines(timer *time.Timer) error {}

// Output runs the command and returns its standard output.
// Any returned error will usually be of type [*ExitError].
// If c.Stderr was nil, Output populates [ExitError.Stderr].
func (c *Cmd) Output() ([]byte, error) {}

// CombinedOutput runs the command and returns its combined standard
// output and standard error.
func (c *Cmd) CombinedOutput() ([]byte, error) {}

// StdinPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's
// standard input when the command starts.
// The pipe will be closed automatically after [Cmd.Wait] sees the command exit.
// A caller need only call Close to force the pipe to close sooner.
// For example, if the command being run will not exit until standard input
// is closed, the caller must close the pipe.
func (c *Cmd) StdinPipe() (io.WriteCloser, error) {}

// StdoutPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's
// standard output when the command starts.
// [Cmd.Wait] will close the pipe after seeing the command exit, so most callers
// need not close the pipe themselves. It is thus incorrect to call Wait
// before all reads from the pipe have completed.
// For the same reason, it is incorrect to call [Cmd.Run] when using StdoutPipe.
// See the example for idiomatic usage.
func (c *Cmd) StdoutPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

// StderrPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's
// standard error when the command starts.
// [Cmd.Wait] will close the pipe after seeing the command exit, so most callers
// need not close the pipe themselves. It is thus incorrect to call Wait
// before all reads from the pipe have completed.
// For the same reason, it is incorrect to use [Cmd.Run] when using StderrPipe.
// See the StdoutPipe example for idiomatic usage.
func (c *Cmd) StderrPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

type prefixSuffixSaver

func (w *prefixSuffixSaver) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// fill appends up to len(p) bytes of p to *dst, such that *dst does not
// grow larger than w.N. It returns the un-appended suffix of p.
func (w *prefixSuffixSaver) fill(dst *[]byte, p []byte) (pRemain []byte) {}

func (w *prefixSuffixSaver) Bytes() []byte {}

// environ returns a best-effort copy of the environment in which the command
// would be run as it is currently configured. If an error occurs in computing
// the environment, it is returned alongside the best-effort copy.
func (c *Cmd) environ() ([]string, error) {}

// Environ returns a copy of the environment in which the command would be run
// as it is currently configured.
func (c *Cmd) Environ() []string {}

// dedupEnv returns a copy of env with any duplicates removed, in favor of
// later values.
// Items not of the normal environment "key=value" form are preserved unchanged.
// Except on Plan 9, items containing NUL characters are removed, and
// an error is returned along with the remaining values.
func dedupEnv(env []string) ([]string, error) {}

// dedupEnvCase is dedupEnv with a case option for testing.
// If caseInsensitive is true, the case of keys is ignored.
// If nulOK is false, items containing NUL characters are allowed.
func dedupEnvCase(caseInsensitive, nulOK bool, env []string) ([]string, error) {}

// addCriticalEnv adds any critical environment variables that are required
// (or at least almost always required) on the operating system.
// Currently this is only used for Windows.
func addCriticalEnv(env []string) []string {}

var ErrDot