

// fixLongPath is a noop on non-Windows platforms.
func fixLongPath(path string) string {}

func rename(oldname, newname string) error {}

type file

// Fd returns the integer Unix file descriptor referencing the open file.
// If f is closed, the file descriptor becomes invalid.
// If f is garbage collected, a finalizer may close the file descriptor,
// making it invalid; see [runtime.SetFinalizer] for more information on when
// a finalizer might be run. On Unix systems this will cause the [File.SetDeadline]
// methods to stop working.
// Because file descriptors can be reused, the returned file descriptor may
// only be closed through the [File.Close] method of f, or by its finalizer during
// garbage collection. Otherwise, during garbage collection the finalizer
// may close an unrelated file descriptor with the same (reused) number.
// As an alternative, see the f.SyscallConn method.
func (f *File) Fd() uintptr {}

// NewFile returns a new File with the given file descriptor and
// name. The returned value will be nil if fd is not a valid file
// descriptor. On Unix systems, if the file descriptor is in
// non-blocking mode, NewFile will attempt to return a pollable File
// (one for which the SetDeadline methods work).
// After passing it to NewFile, fd may become invalid under the same
// conditions described in the comments of the Fd method, and the same
// constraints apply.
func NewFile(fd uintptr, name string) *File {}

// net_newUnixFile is a hidden entry point called by net.conn.File.
// This is used so that a nonblocking network connection will become
// blocking if code calls the Fd method. We don't want that for direct
// calls to NewFile: passing a nonblocking descriptor to NewFile should
// remain nonblocking if you get it back using Fd. But for net.conn.File
// the call to NewFile is hidden from the user. Historically in that case
// the Fd method has returned a blocking descriptor, and we want to
// retain that behavior because existing code expects it and depends on it.
//go:linkname net_newUnixFile net.newUnixFile
func net_newUnixFile(fd int, name string) *File {}

type newFileKind

const kindNewFile

const kindOpenFile

const kindPipe

const kindSock

const kindNoPoll

// newFile is like NewFile, but if called from OpenFile or Pipe
// (as passed in the kind parameter) it tries to add the file to
// the runtime poller.
func newFile(fd int, name string, kind newFileKind, nonBlocking bool) *File {}

func sigpipe()

// epipecheck raises SIGPIPE if we get an EPIPE error on standard
// output or standard error. See the SIGPIPE docs in os/signal, and
// issue 11845.
func epipecheck(file *File, e error) {}

const DevNull

// openFileNolog is the Unix implementation of OpenFile.
// Changes here should be reflected in openDirAt and openDirNolog, if relevant.
func openFileNolog(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (*File, error) {}

func openDirNolog(name string) (*File, error) {}

func (file *file) close() error {}

// seek sets the offset for the next Read or Write on file to offset, interpreted
// according to whence: 0 means relative to the origin of the file, 1 means
// relative to the current offset, and 2 means relative to the end.
// It returns the new offset and an error, if any.
func (f *File) seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err error) {}

// Truncate changes the size of the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the size of the link's target.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func Truncate(name string, size int64) error {}

// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func Remove(name string) error {}

func tempDir() string {}

// Link creates newname as a hard link to the oldname file.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
func Link(oldname, newname string) error {}

// Symlink creates newname as a symbolic link to oldname.
// On Windows, a symlink to a non-existent oldname creates a file symlink;
// if oldname is later created as a directory the symlink will not work.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
func Symlink(oldname, newname string) error {}

func readlink(name string) (string, error) {}

type unixDirent

func (d *unixDirent) Name() string   {}

func (d *unixDirent) IsDir() bool    {}

func (d *unixDirent) Type() FileMode {}

func (d *unixDirent) Info() (FileInfo, error) {}

func (d *unixDirent) String() string {}

func newUnixDirent(parent, name string, typ FileMode) (DirEntry, error) {}