
type copyFileTestFunc

type copyFileTestHook

func TestCopyFile(t *testing.T) {}

func testCopyFile(t *testing.T, dst, src *File, data []byte, hook *copyFileHook, limit int64, testName string) {}

// mustContainData ensures that the specified file contains exactly the
// specified data.
func mustContainData(t *testing.T, f *File, data []byte) {}

func mustSeekStart(t *testing.T, f *File) {}

// newCopyFileTest initializes a new test for copying data between files.
// It creates source and destination files, and populates the source file
// with random data of the specified size, then rewind it, so it can be
// consumed by copy_file_range(2) or sendfile(2).
func newCopyFileTest(t *testing.T, size int64) (dst, src *File, data []byte) {}

type copyFileHook

func createTempFile(tb testing.TB, name string, size int64) (*File, []byte) {}