
var intArgRegs

var floatArgRegs

var floatRegSize

type abiStep

type abiStepKind

const abiStepBad

const abiStepStack

const abiStepIntReg

const abiStepPointer

const abiStepFloatReg

type abiSeq

func (a *abiSeq) dump() {}

// stepsForValue returns the ABI instructions for translating
// the i'th Go argument or return value represented by this
// abiSeq to the Go ABI.
func (a *abiSeq) stepsForValue(i int) []abiStep {}

// addArg extends the abiSeq with a new Go value of type t.
// If the value was stack-assigned, returns the single
// abiStep describing that translation, and nil otherwise.
func (a *abiSeq) addArg(t *abi.Type) *abiStep {}

// addRcvr extends the abiSeq with a new method call
// receiver according to the interface calling convention.
// If the receiver was stack-assigned, returns the single
// abiStep describing that translation, and nil otherwise.
// Returns true if the receiver is a pointer.
func (a *abiSeq) addRcvr(rcvr *abi.Type) (*abiStep, bool) {}

// regAssign attempts to reserve argument registers for a value of
// type t, stored at some offset.
// It returns whether or not the assignment succeeded, but
// leaves any changes it made to a.steps behind, so the caller
// must undo that work by adjusting a.steps if it fails.
// This method along with the assign* methods represent the
// complete register-assignment algorithm for the Go ABI.
func (a *abiSeq) regAssign(t *abi.Type, offset uintptr) bool {}

// assignIntN assigns n values to registers, each "size" bytes large,
// from the data at [offset, offset+n*size) in memory. Each value at
// [offset+i*size, offset+(i+1)*size) for i < n is assigned to the
// next n integer registers.
// Bit i in ptrMap indicates whether the i'th value is a pointer.
// n must be <= 8.
// Returns whether assignment succeeded.
func (a *abiSeq) assignIntN(offset, size uintptr, n int, ptrMap uint8) bool {}

// assignFloatN assigns n values to registers, each "size" bytes large,
// from the data at [offset, offset+n*size) in memory. Each value at
// [offset+i*size, offset+(i+1)*size) for i < n is assigned to the
// next n floating-point registers.
// Returns whether assignment succeeded.
func (a *abiSeq) assignFloatN(offset, size uintptr, n int) bool {}

// stackAssign reserves space for one value that is "size" bytes
// large with alignment "alignment" to the stack.
// Should not be called directly; use addArg instead.
func (a *abiSeq) stackAssign(size, alignment uintptr) {}

type abiDesc

func (a *abiDesc) dump() {}

func dumpPtrBitMap(b abi.IntArgRegBitmap) {}

func newAbiDesc(t *funcType, rcvr *abi.Type) abiDesc {}

// intFromReg loads an argSize sized integer from reg and places it at to.
// argSize must be non-zero, fit in a register, and a power-of-two.
func intFromReg(r *abi.RegArgs, reg int, argSize uintptr, to unsafe.Pointer) {}

// intToReg loads an argSize sized integer and stores it into reg.
// argSize must be non-zero, fit in a register, and a power-of-two.
func intToReg(r *abi.RegArgs, reg int, argSize uintptr, from unsafe.Pointer) {}

// floatFromReg loads a float value from its register representation in r.
// argSize must be 4 or 8.
func floatFromReg(r *abi.RegArgs, reg int, argSize uintptr, to unsafe.Pointer) {}

// floatToReg stores a float value in its register representation in r.
// argSize must be either 4 or 8.
func floatToReg(r *abi.RegArgs, reg int, argSize uintptr, from unsafe.Pointer) {}