
// MakeRO returns a copy of v with the read-only flag set.
func MakeRO(v Value) Value {}

// IsRO reports whether v's read-only flag is set.
func IsRO(v Value) bool {}

var CallGC

// FuncLayout calls funcLayout and returns a subset of the results for testing.
// Bitmaps like stack, gc, inReg, and outReg are expanded such that each bit
// takes up one byte, so that writing out test cases is a little clearer.
// If ptrs is false, gc will be nil.
func FuncLayout(t Type, rcvr Type) (frametype Type, argSize, retOffset uintptr, stack, gc, inReg, outReg []byte, ptrs bool) {}

func TypeLinks() []string {}

var GCBits

func gcbits(any) []byte

type EmbedWithUnexpMeth

func (EmbedWithUnexpMeth) f() {}

type pinUnexpMeth

var pinUnexpMethI

func FirstMethodNameBytes(t Type) *byte {}

type OtherPkgFields

func IsExported(t Type) bool {}

func ResolveReflectName(s string) {}

type Buffer

func clearLayoutCache() {}

func SetArgRegs(ints, floats int, floatSize uintptr) (oldInts, oldFloats int, oldFloatSize uintptr) {}

var MethodValueCallCodePtr

var InternalIsZero

var IsRegularMemory