
type Value

type flag

const flagKindWidth

const flagKindMask

const flagStickyRO

const flagEmbedRO

const flagIndir

const flagAddr

const flagMethod

const flagMethodShift

const flagRO

func (f flag) kind() Kind {}

func (f flag) ro() flag {}

func (v Value) typ() *abi.Type {}

// pointer returns the underlying pointer represented by v.
// v.Kind() must be Pointer, Map, Chan, Func, or UnsafePointer
// if v.Kind() == Pointer, the base type must not be not-in-heap.
func (v Value) pointer() unsafe.Pointer {}

// packEface converts v to the empty interface.
func packEface(v Value) any {}

// unpackEface converts the empty interface i to a Value.
func unpackEface(i any) Value {}

type ValueError

func (e *ValueError) Error() string {}

// valueMethodName returns the name of the exported calling method on Value.
func valueMethodName() string {}

type nonEmptyInterface

// mustBe panics if f's kind is not expected.
// Making this a method on flag instead of on Value
// (and embedding flag in Value) means that we can write
// the very clear v.mustBe(Bool) and have it compile into
// v.flag.mustBe(Bool), which will only bother to copy the
// single important word for the receiver.
func (f flag) mustBe(expected Kind) {}

// mustBeExported panics if f records that the value was obtained using
// an unexported field.
func (f flag) mustBeExported() {}

func (f flag) mustBeExportedSlow() {}

// mustBeAssignable panics if f records that the value is not assignable,
// which is to say that either it was obtained using an unexported field
// or it is not addressable.
func (f flag) mustBeAssignable() {}

func (f flag) mustBeAssignableSlow() {}

// Addr returns a pointer value representing the address of v.
// It panics if [Value.CanAddr] returns false.
// Addr is typically used to obtain a pointer to a struct field
// or slice element in order to call a method that requires a
// pointer receiver.
func (v Value) Addr() Value {}

// Bool returns v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's kind is not [Bool].
func (v Value) Bool() bool {}

func (v Value) panicNotBool() {}

var bytesType

// Bytes returns v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's underlying value is not a slice of bytes or
// an addressable array of bytes.
func (v Value) Bytes() []byte {}

func (v Value) bytesSlow() []byte {}

// runes returns v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's underlying value is not a slice of runes (int32s).
func (v Value) runes() []rune {}

// CanAddr reports whether the value's address can be obtained with [Value.Addr].
// Such values are called addressable. A value is addressable if it is
// an element of a slice, an element of an addressable array,
// a field of an addressable struct, or the result of dereferencing a pointer.
// If CanAddr returns false, calling [Value.Addr] will panic.
func (v Value) CanAddr() bool {}

// CanSet reports whether the value of v can be changed.
// A [Value] can be changed only if it is addressable and was not
// obtained by the use of unexported struct fields.
// If CanSet returns false, calling [Value.Set] or any type-specific
// setter (e.g., [Value.SetBool], [Value.SetInt]) will panic.
func (v Value) CanSet() bool {}

// Call calls the function v with the input arguments in.
// For example, if len(in) == 3, v.Call(in) represents the Go call v(in[0], in[1], in[2]).
// Call panics if v's Kind is not [Func].
// It returns the output results as Values.
// As in Go, each input argument must be assignable to the
// type of the function's corresponding input parameter.
// If v is a variadic function, Call creates the variadic slice parameter
// itself, copying in the corresponding values.
func (v Value) Call(in []Value) []Value {}

// CallSlice calls the variadic function v with the input arguments in,
// assigning the slice in[len(in)-1] to v's final variadic argument.
// For example, if len(in) == 3, v.CallSlice(in) represents the Go call v(in[0], in[1], in[2]...).
// CallSlice panics if v's Kind is not [Func] or if v is not variadic.
// It returns the output results as Values.
// As in Go, each input argument must be assignable to the
// type of the function's corresponding input parameter.
func (v Value) CallSlice(in []Value) []Value {}

var callGC

const debugReflectCall

func (v Value) call(op string, in []Value) []Value {}

// callReflect is the call implementation used by a function
// returned by MakeFunc. In many ways it is the opposite of the
// method Value.call above. The method above converts a call using Values
// into a call of a function with a concrete argument frame, while
// callReflect converts a call of a function with a concrete argument
// frame into a call using Values.
// It is in this file so that it can be next to the call method above.
// The remainder of the MakeFunc implementation is in makefunc.go.
// NOTE: This function must be marked as a "wrapper" in the generated code,
// so that the linker can make it work correctly for panic and recover.
// The gc compilers know to do that for the name "reflect.callReflect".
// ctxt is the "closure" generated by MakeFunc.
// frame is a pointer to the arguments to that closure on the stack.
// retValid points to a boolean which should be set when the results
// section of frame is set.
// regs contains the argument values passed in registers and will contain
// the values returned from ctxt.fn in registers.
func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer, retValid *bool, regs *abi.RegArgs) {}

// methodReceiver returns information about the receiver
// described by v. The Value v may or may not have the
// flagMethod bit set, so the kind cached in v.flag should
// not be used.
// The return value rcvrtype gives the method's actual receiver type.
// The return value t gives the method type signature (without the receiver).
// The return value fn is a pointer to the method code.
func methodReceiver(op string, v Value, methodIndex int) (rcvrtype *abi.Type, t *funcType, fn unsafe.Pointer) {}

// v is a method receiver. Store at p the word which is used to
// encode that receiver at the start of the argument list.
// Reflect uses the "interface" calling convention for
// methods, which always uses one word to record the receiver.
func storeRcvr(v Value, p unsafe.Pointer) {}

// align returns the result of rounding x up to a multiple of n.
// n must be a power of two.
func align(x, n uintptr) uintptr {}

// callMethod is the call implementation used by a function returned
// by makeMethodValue (used by v.Method(i).Interface()).
// It is a streamlined version of the usual reflect call: the caller has
// already laid out the argument frame for us, so we don't have
// to deal with individual Values for each argument.
// It is in this file so that it can be next to the two similar functions above.
// The remainder of the makeMethodValue implementation is in makefunc.go.
// NOTE: This function must be marked as a "wrapper" in the generated code,
// so that the linker can make it work correctly for panic and recover.
// The gc compilers know to do that for the name "reflect.callMethod".
// ctxt is the "closure" generated by makeMethodValue.
// frame is a pointer to the arguments to that closure on the stack.
// retValid points to a boolean which should be set when the results
// section of frame is set.
// regs contains the argument values passed in registers and will contain
// the values returned from ctxt.fn in registers.
func callMethod(ctxt *methodValue, frame unsafe.Pointer, retValid *bool, regs *abi.RegArgs) {}

// funcName returns the name of f, for use in error messages.
func funcName(f func([]Value) []Value) string {}

// Cap returns v's capacity.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Array], [Chan], [Slice] or pointer to [Array].
func (v Value) Cap() int {}

func (v Value) capNonSlice() int {}

// Close closes the channel v.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan] or
// v is a receive-only channel.
func (v Value) Close() {}

// CanComplex reports whether [Value.Complex] can be used without panicking.
func (v Value) CanComplex() bool {}

// Complex returns v's underlying value, as a complex128.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Complex64] or [Complex128]
func (v Value) Complex() complex128 {}

// Elem returns the value that the interface v contains
// or that the pointer v points to.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Interface] or [Pointer].
// It returns the zero Value if v is nil.
func (v Value) Elem() Value {}

// Field returns the i'th field of the struct v.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Struct] or i is out of range.
func (v Value) Field(i int) Value {}

// FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding to index.
// It panics if evaluation requires stepping through a nil
// pointer or a field that is not a struct.
func (v Value) FieldByIndex(index []int) Value {}

// FieldByIndexErr returns the nested field corresponding to index.
// It returns an error if evaluation requires stepping through a nil
// pointer, but panics if it must step through a field that
// is not a struct.
func (v Value) FieldByIndexErr(index []int) (Value, error) {}

// FieldByName returns the struct field with the given name.
// It returns the zero Value if no field was found.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Struct].
func (v Value) FieldByName(name string) Value {}

// FieldByNameFunc returns the struct field with a name
// that satisfies the match function.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Struct].
// It returns the zero Value if no field was found.
func (v Value) FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) Value {}

// CanFloat reports whether [Value.Float] can be used without panicking.
func (v Value) CanFloat() bool {}

// Float returns v's underlying value, as a float64.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Float32] or [Float64]
func (v Value) Float() float64 {}

var uint8Type

// Index returns v's i'th element.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Array], [Slice], or [String] or i is out of range.
func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {}

// CanInt reports whether Int can be used without panicking.
func (v Value) CanInt() bool {}

// Int returns v's underlying value, as an int64.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Int], [Int8], [Int16], [Int32], or [Int64].
func (v Value) Int() int64 {}

// CanInterface reports whether [Value.Interface] can be used without panicking.
func (v Value) CanInterface() bool {}

// Interface returns v's current value as an interface{}.
// It is equivalent to:
//	var i interface{} = (v's underlying value)
// It panics if the Value was obtained by accessing
// unexported struct fields.
func (v Value) Interface() (i any) {}

func valueInterface(v Value, safe bool) any {}

// InterfaceData returns a pair of unspecified uintptr values.
// It panics if v's Kind is not Interface.
// In earlier versions of Go, this function returned the interface's
// value as a uintptr pair. As of Go 1.4, the implementation of
// interface values precludes any defined use of InterfaceData.
// Deprecated: The memory representation of interface values is not
// compatible with InterfaceData.
func (v Value) InterfaceData() [2]uintptr {}

// IsNil reports whether its argument v is nil. The argument must be
// a chan, func, interface, map, pointer, or slice value; if it is
// not, IsNil panics. Note that IsNil is not always equivalent to a
// regular comparison with nil in Go. For example, if v was created
// by calling [ValueOf] with an uninitialized interface variable i,
// i==nil will be true but v.IsNil will panic as v will be the zero
// Value.
func (v Value) IsNil() bool {}

// IsValid reports whether v represents a value.
// It returns false if v is the zero Value.
// If [Value.IsValid] returns false, all other methods except String panic.
// Most functions and methods never return an invalid Value.
// If one does, its documentation states the conditions explicitly.
func (v Value) IsValid() bool {}

// IsZero reports whether v is the zero value for its type.
// It panics if the argument is invalid.
func (v Value) IsZero() bool {}

// isZero For all zeros, performance is not as good as
// return bytealg.Count(b, byte(0)) == len(b)
func isZero(b []byte) bool {}

// SetZero sets v to be the zero value of v's type.
// It panics if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetZero() {}

// Kind returns v's Kind.
// If v is the zero Value ([Value.IsValid] returns false), Kind returns Invalid.
func (v Value) Kind() Kind {}

// Len returns v's length.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Array], [Chan], [Map], [Slice], [String], or pointer to [Array].
func (v Value) Len() int {}

func (v Value) lenNonSlice() int {}

// copyVal returns a Value containing the map key or value at ptr,
// allocating a new variable as needed.
func copyVal(typ *abi.Type, fl flag, ptr unsafe.Pointer) Value {}

// Method returns a function value corresponding to v's i'th method.
// The arguments to a Call on the returned function should not include
// a receiver; the returned function will always use v as the receiver.
// Method panics if i is out of range or if v is a nil interface value.
func (v Value) Method(i int) Value {}

// NumMethod returns the number of methods in the value's method set.
// For a non-interface type, it returns the number of exported methods.
// For an interface type, it returns the number of exported and unexported methods.
func (v Value) NumMethod() int {}

// MethodByName returns a function value corresponding to the method
// of v with the given name.
// The arguments to a Call on the returned function should not include
// a receiver; the returned function will always use v as the receiver.
// It returns the zero Value if no method was found.
func (v Value) MethodByName(name string) Value {}

// NumField returns the number of fields in the struct v.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Struct].
func (v Value) NumField() int {}

// OverflowComplex reports whether the complex128 x cannot be represented by v's type.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Complex64] or [Complex128].
func (v Value) OverflowComplex(x complex128) bool {}

// OverflowFloat reports whether the float64 x cannot be represented by v's type.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Float32] or [Float64].
func (v Value) OverflowFloat(x float64) bool {}

func overflowFloat32(x float64) bool {}

// OverflowInt reports whether the int64 x cannot be represented by v's type.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Int], [Int8], [Int16], [Int32], or [Int64].
func (v Value) OverflowInt(x int64) bool {}

// OverflowUint reports whether the uint64 x cannot be represented by v's type.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Uint], [Uintptr], [Uint8], [Uint16], [Uint32], or [Uint64].
func (v Value) OverflowUint(x uint64) bool {}

// Pointer returns v's value as a uintptr.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan], [Func], [Map], [Pointer], [Slice], [String], or [UnsafePointer].
// If v's Kind is [Func], the returned pointer is an underlying
// code pointer, but not necessarily enough to identify a
// single function uniquely. The only guarantee is that the
// result is zero if and only if v is a nil func Value.
// If v's Kind is [Slice], the returned pointer is to the first
// element of the slice. If the slice is nil the returned value
// is 0.  If the slice is empty but non-nil the return value is non-zero.
// If v's Kind is [String], the returned pointer is to the first
// element of the underlying bytes of string.
// It's preferred to use uintptr(Value.UnsafePointer()) to get the equivalent result.
func (v Value) Pointer() uintptr {}

// Recv receives and returns a value from the channel v.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan].
// The receive blocks until a value is ready.
// The boolean value ok is true if the value x corresponds to a send
// on the channel, false if it is a zero value received because the channel is closed.
func (v Value) Recv() (x Value, ok bool) {}

// internal recv, possibly non-blocking (nb).
// v is known to be a channel.
func (v Value) recv(nb bool) (val Value, ok bool) {}

// Send sends x on the channel v.
// It panics if v's kind is not [Chan] or if x's type is not the same type as v's element type.
// As in Go, x's value must be assignable to the channel's element type.
func (v Value) Send(x Value) {}

// internal send, possibly non-blocking.
// v is known to be a channel.
func (v Value) send(x Value, nb bool) (selected bool) {}

// Set assigns x to the value v.
// It panics if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
// As in Go, x's value must be assignable to v's type and
// must not be derived from an unexported field.
func (v Value) Set(x Value) {}

// SetBool sets v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Bool] or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetBool(x bool) {}

// SetBytes sets v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's underlying value is not a slice of bytes.
func (v Value) SetBytes(x []byte) {}

// setRunes sets v's underlying value.
// It panics if v's underlying value is not a slice of runes (int32s).
func (v Value) setRunes(x []rune) {}

// SetComplex sets v's underlying value to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Complex64] or [Complex128], or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetComplex(x complex128) {}

// SetFloat sets v's underlying value to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Float32] or [Float64], or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetFloat(x float64) {}

// SetInt sets v's underlying value to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Int], [Int8], [Int16], [Int32], or [Int64], or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetInt(x int64) {}

// SetLen sets v's length to n.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Slice] or if n is negative or
// greater than the capacity of the slice.
func (v Value) SetLen(n int) {}

// SetCap sets v's capacity to n.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Slice] or if n is smaller than the length or
// greater than the capacity of the slice.
func (v Value) SetCap(n int) {}

// SetUint sets v's underlying value to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Uint], [Uintptr], [Uint8], [Uint16], [Uint32], or [Uint64], or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetUint(x uint64) {}

// SetPointer sets the [unsafe.Pointer] value v to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [UnsafePointer].
func (v Value) SetPointer(x unsafe.Pointer) {}

// SetString sets v's underlying value to x.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [String] or if [Value.CanSet] returns false.
func (v Value) SetString(x string) {}

// Slice returns v[i:j].
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Array], [Slice] or [String], or if v is an unaddressable array,
// or if the indexes are out of bounds.
func (v Value) Slice(i, j int) Value {}

// Slice3 is the 3-index form of the slice operation: it returns v[i:j:k].
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Array] or [Slice], or if v is an unaddressable array,
// or if the indexes are out of bounds.
func (v Value) Slice3(i, j, k int) Value {}

// String returns the string v's underlying value, as a string.
// String is a special case because of Go's String method convention.
// Unlike the other getters, it does not panic if v's Kind is not [String].
// Instead, it returns a string of the form "<T value>" where T is v's type.
// The fmt package treats Values specially. It does not call their String
// method implicitly but instead prints the concrete values they hold.
func (v Value) String() string {}

func (v Value) stringNonString() string {}

// TryRecv attempts to receive a value from the channel v but will not block.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan].
// If the receive delivers a value, x is the transferred value and ok is true.
// If the receive cannot finish without blocking, x is the zero Value and ok is false.
// If the channel is closed, x is the zero value for the channel's element type and ok is false.
func (v Value) TryRecv() (x Value, ok bool) {}

// TrySend attempts to send x on the channel v but will not block.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan].
// It reports whether the value was sent.
// As in Go, x's value must be assignable to the channel's element type.
func (v Value) TrySend(x Value) bool {}

// Type returns v's type.
func (v Value) Type() Type {}

func (v Value) typeSlow() Type {}

// CanUint reports whether [Value.Uint] can be used without panicking.
func (v Value) CanUint() bool {}

// Uint returns v's underlying value, as a uint64.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Uint], [Uintptr], [Uint8], [Uint16], [Uint32], or [Uint64].
func (v Value) Uint() uint64 {}

// UnsafeAddr returns a pointer to v's data, as a uintptr.
// It panics if v is not addressable.
// It's preferred to use uintptr(Value.Addr().UnsafePointer()) to get the equivalent result.
func (v Value) UnsafeAddr() uintptr {}

// UnsafePointer returns v's value as a [unsafe.Pointer].
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Chan], [Func], [Map], [Pointer], [Slice], [String] or [UnsafePointer].
// If v's Kind is [Func], the returned pointer is an underlying
// code pointer, but not necessarily enough to identify a
// single function uniquely. The only guarantee is that the
// result is zero if and only if v is a nil func Value.
// If v's Kind is [Slice], the returned pointer is to the first
// element of the slice. If the slice is nil the returned value
// is nil.  If the slice is empty but non-nil the return value is non-nil.
// If v's Kind is [String], the returned pointer is to the first
// element of the underlying bytes of string.
func (v Value) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer {}

type StringHeader

type SliceHeader

func typesMustMatch(what string, t1, t2 Type) {}

// arrayAt returns the i-th element of p,
// an array whose elements are eltSize bytes wide.
// The array pointed at by p must have at least i+1 elements:
// it is invalid (but impossible to check here) to pass i >= len,
// because then the result will point outside the array.
// whySafe must explain why i < len. (Passing "i < len" is fine;
// the benefit is to surface this assumption at the call site.)
func arrayAt(p unsafe.Pointer, i int, eltSize uintptr, whySafe string) unsafe.Pointer {}

// Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
// another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended
// to the slice without another allocation.
// It panics if v's Kind is not a [Slice] or if n is negative or too large to
// allocate the memory.
func (v Value) Grow(n int) {}

// grow is identical to Grow but does not check for assignability.
func (v Value) grow(n int) {}

// extendSlice extends a slice by n elements.
// Unlike Value.grow, which modifies the slice in place and
// does not change the length of the slice in place,
// extendSlice returns a new slice value with the length
// incremented by the number of specified elements.
func (v Value) extendSlice(n int) Value {}

// Clear clears the contents of a map or zeros the contents of a slice.
// It panics if v's Kind is not [Map] or [Slice].
func (v Value) Clear() {}

// Append appends the values x to a slice s and returns the resulting slice.
// As in Go, each x's value must be assignable to the slice's element type.
func Append(s Value, x ...Value) Value {}

// AppendSlice appends a slice t to a slice s and returns the resulting slice.
// The slices s and t must have the same element type.
func AppendSlice(s, t Value) Value {}

// Copy copies the contents of src into dst until either
// dst has been filled or src has been exhausted.
// It returns the number of elements copied.
// Dst and src each must have kind [Slice] or [Array], and
// dst and src must have the same element type.
// As a special case, src can have kind [String] if the element type of dst is kind [Uint8].
func Copy(dst, src Value) int {}

type runtimeSelect

// rselect runs a select. It returns the index of the chosen case.
// If the case was a receive, val is filled in with the received value.
// The conventional OK bool indicates whether the receive corresponds
// to a sent value.
// rselect generally doesn't escape the runtimeSelect slice, except
// that for the send case the value to send needs to escape. We don't
// have a way to represent that in the function signature. So we handle
// that with a forced escape in function Select.
func rselect([]runtimeSelect) (chosen int, recvOK bool)

type SelectDir

const _

const SelectSend

const SelectRecv

const SelectDefault

type SelectCase

// Select executes a select operation described by the list of cases.
// Like the Go select statement, it blocks until at least one of the cases
// can proceed, makes a uniform pseudo-random choice,
// and then executes that case. It returns the index of the chosen case
// and, if that case was a receive operation, the value received and a
// boolean indicating whether the value corresponds to a send on the channel
// (as opposed to a zero value received because the channel is closed).
// Select supports a maximum of 65536 cases.
func Select(cases []SelectCase) (chosen int, recv Value, recvOK bool) {}

func unsafe_New(*abi.Type) unsafe.Pointer

func unsafe_NewArray(*abi.Type, int) unsafe.Pointer

// MakeSlice creates a new zero-initialized slice value
// for the specified slice type, length, and capacity.
func MakeSlice(typ Type, len, cap int) Value {}

// SliceAt returns a [Value] representing a slice whose underlying
// data starts at p, with length and capacity equal to n.
// This is like [unsafe.Slice].
func SliceAt(typ Type, p unsafe.Pointer, n int) Value {}

// MakeChan creates a new channel with the specified type and buffer size.
func MakeChan(typ Type, buffer int) Value {}

// MakeMap creates a new map with the specified type.
func MakeMap(typ Type) Value {}

// MakeMapWithSize creates a new map with the specified type
// and initial space for approximately n elements.
func MakeMapWithSize(typ Type, n int) Value {}

// Indirect returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Indirect returns a zero Value.
// If v is not a pointer, Indirect returns v.
func Indirect(v Value) Value {}

// ValueOf returns a new Value initialized to the concrete value
// stored in the interface i. ValueOf(nil) returns the zero Value.
func ValueOf(i any) Value {}

// Zero returns a Value representing the zero value for the specified type.
// The result is different from the zero value of the Value struct,
// which represents no value at all.
// For example, Zero(TypeOf(42)) returns a Value with Kind [Int] and value 0.
// The returned value is neither addressable nor settable.
func Zero(typ Type) Value {}

var zeroVal

// New returns a Value representing a pointer to a new zero value
// for the specified type. That is, the returned Value's Type is [PointerTo](typ).
func New(typ Type) Value {}

// NewAt returns a Value representing a pointer to a value of the
// specified type, using p as that pointer.
func NewAt(typ Type, p unsafe.Pointer) Value {}

// assignTo returns a value v that can be assigned directly to dst.
// It panics if v is not assignable to dst.
// For a conversion to an interface type, target, if not nil,
// is a suggested scratch space to use.
// target must be initialized memory (or nil).
func (v Value) assignTo(context string, dst *abi.Type, target unsafe.Pointer) Value {}

// Convert returns the value v converted to type t.
// If the usual Go conversion rules do not allow conversion
// of the value v to type t, or if converting v to type t panics, Convert panics.
func (v Value) Convert(t Type) Value {}

// CanConvert reports whether the value v can be converted to type t.
// If v.CanConvert(t) returns true then v.Convert(t) will not panic.
func (v Value) CanConvert(t Type) bool {}

// Comparable reports whether the value v is comparable.
// If the type of v is an interface, this checks the dynamic type.
// If this reports true then v.Interface() == x will not panic for any x,
// nor will v.Equal(u) for any Value u.
func (v Value) Comparable() bool {}

// Equal reports true if v is equal to u.
// For two invalid values, Equal will report true.
// For an interface value, Equal will compare the value within the interface.
// Otherwise, If the values have different types, Equal will report false.
// Otherwise, for arrays and structs Equal will compare each element in order,
// and report false if it finds non-equal elements.
// During all comparisons, if values of the same type are compared,
// and the type is not comparable, Equal will panic.
func (v Value) Equal(u Value) bool {}

// convertOp returns the function to convert a value of type src
// to a value of type dst. If the conversion is illegal, convertOp returns nil.
func convertOp(dst, src *abi.Type) func(Value, Type) Value {}

// makeInt returns a Value of type t equal to bits (possibly truncated),
// where t is a signed or unsigned int type.
func makeInt(f flag, bits uint64, t Type) Value {}

// makeFloat returns a Value of type t equal to v (possibly truncated to float32),
// where t is a float32 or float64 type.
func makeFloat(f flag, v float64, t Type) Value {}

// makeFloat32 returns a Value of type t equal to v, where t is a float32 type.
func makeFloat32(f flag, v float32, t Type) Value {}

// makeComplex returns a Value of type t equal to v (possibly truncated to complex64),
// where t is a complex64 or complex128 type.
func makeComplex(f flag, v complex128, t Type) Value {}

func makeString(f flag, v string, t Type) Value {}

func makeBytes(f flag, v []byte, t Type) Value {}

func makeRunes(f flag, v []rune, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: intXX -> [u]intXX
func cvtInt(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: uintXX -> [u]intXX
func cvtUint(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: floatXX -> intXX
func cvtFloatInt(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: floatXX -> uintXX
func cvtFloatUint(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: intXX -> floatXX
func cvtIntFloat(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: uintXX -> floatXX
func cvtUintFloat(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: floatXX -> floatXX
func cvtFloat(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: complexXX -> complexXX
func cvtComplex(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: intXX -> string
func cvtIntString(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: uintXX -> string
func cvtUintString(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: []byte -> string
func cvtBytesString(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: string -> []byte
func cvtStringBytes(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: []rune -> string
func cvtRunesString(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: string -> []rune
func cvtStringRunes(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: []T -> *[N]T
func cvtSliceArrayPtr(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: []T -> [N]T
func cvtSliceArray(v Value, t Type) Value {}

// convertOp: direct copy
func cvtDirect(v Value, typ Type) Value {}

// convertOp: concrete -> interface
func cvtT2I(v Value, typ Type) Value {}

// convertOp: interface -> interface
func cvtI2I(v Value, typ Type) Value {}

// implemented in ../runtime
func chancap(ch unsafe.Pointer) int

func chanclose(ch unsafe.Pointer)

func chanlen(ch unsafe.Pointer) int

func chanrecv(ch unsafe.Pointer, nb bool, val unsafe.Pointer) (selected, received bool)

func chansend0(ch unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer, nb bool) bool

func chansend(ch unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer, nb bool) bool {}

func makechan(typ *abi.Type, size int) (ch unsafe.Pointer)

func makemap(t *abi.Type, cap int) (m unsafe.Pointer)

func mapaccess(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer) (val unsafe.Pointer)

func mapaccess_faststr(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key string) (val unsafe.Pointer)

func mapassign0(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key, val unsafe.Pointer)

// mapassign should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/modern-go/reflect2
//   - github.com/goccy/go-json
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname mapassign
func mapassign(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key, val unsafe.Pointer) {}

func mapassign_faststr0(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key string, val unsafe.Pointer)

func mapassign_faststr(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key string, val unsafe.Pointer) {}

func mapdelete(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer)

func mapdelete_faststr(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, key string)

func mapiterinit(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, it *hiter)

func mapiternext(it *hiter)

func maplen(m unsafe.Pointer) int

func mapclear(t *abi.Type, m unsafe.Pointer)

// call calls fn with "stackArgsSize" bytes of stack arguments laid out
// at stackArgs and register arguments laid out in regArgs. frameSize is
// the total amount of stack space that will be reserved by call, so this
// should include enough space to spill register arguments to the stack in
// case of preemption.
// After fn returns, call copies stackArgsSize-stackRetOffset result bytes
// back into stackArgs+stackRetOffset before returning, for any return
// values passed on the stack. Register-based return values will be found
// in the same regArgs structure.
// regArgs must also be prepared with an appropriate ReturnIsPtr bitmap
// indicating which registers will contain pointer-valued return values. The
// purpose of this bitmap is to keep pointers visible to the GC between
// returning from reflectcall and actually using them.
// If copying result bytes back from the stack, the caller must pass the
// argument frame type as stackArgsType, so that call can execute appropriate
// write barriers during the copy.
// Arguments passed through to call do not escape. The type is used only in a
// very limited callee of call, the stackArgs are copied, and regArgs is only
// used in the call frame.
//go:linkname call runtime.reflectcall
func call(stackArgsType *abi.Type, f, stackArgs unsafe.Pointer, stackArgsSize, stackRetOffset, frameSize uint32, regArgs *abi.RegArgs)

func ifaceE2I(t *abi.Type, src any, dst unsafe.Pointer)

// memmove copies size bytes to dst from src. No write barriers are used.
func memmove(dst, src unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr)

// typedmemmove copies a value of type t to dst from src.
func typedmemmove(t *abi.Type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer)

// typedmemclr zeros the value at ptr of type t.
func typedmemclr(t *abi.Type, ptr unsafe.Pointer)

// typedmemclrpartial is like typedmemclr but assumes that
// dst points off bytes into the value and only clears size bytes.
func typedmemclrpartial(t *abi.Type, ptr unsafe.Pointer, off, size uintptr)

// typedslicecopy copies a slice of elemType values from src to dst,
// returning the number of elements copied.
func typedslicecopy(t *abi.Type, dst, src unsafeheader.Slice) int

// typedarrayclear zeroes the value at ptr of an array of elemType,
// only clears len elem.
func typedarrayclear(elemType *abi.Type, ptr unsafe.Pointer, len int)

func typehash(t *abi.Type, p unsafe.Pointer, h uintptr) uintptr

func verifyNotInHeapPtr(p uintptr) bool

func growslice(t *abi.Type, old unsafeheader.Slice, num int) unsafeheader.Slice

func unsafeslice(t *abi.Type, ptr unsafe.Pointer, len int)

// Dummy annotation marking that the value x escapes,
// for use in cases where the reflect code is so clever that
// the compiler cannot follow.
func escapes(x any) {}

var dummy

// Dummy annotation marking that the content of value x
// escapes (i.e. modeling roughly heap=*x),
// for use in cases where the reflect code is so clever that
// the compiler cannot follow.
func contentEscapes(x unsafe.Pointer) {}