
type job

const visitedBits

const maxBacktrackProg

const maxBacktrackVector

type bitState

var bitStatePool

func newBitState() *bitState {}

func freeBitState(b *bitState) {}

// maxBitStateLen returns the maximum length of a string to search with
// the backtracker using prog.
func maxBitStateLen(prog *syntax.Prog) int {}

// shouldBacktrack reports whether the program is too
// long for the backtracker to run.
func shouldBacktrack(prog *syntax.Prog) bool {}

// reset resets the state of the backtracker.
// end is the end position in the input.
// ncap is the number of captures.
func (b *bitState) reset(prog *syntax.Prog, end int, ncap int) {}

// shouldVisit reports whether the combination of (pc, pos) has not
// been visited yet.
func (b *bitState) shouldVisit(pc uint32, pos int) bool {}

// push pushes (pc, pos, arg) onto the job stack if it should be
// visited.
func (b *bitState) push(re *Regexp, pc uint32, pos int, arg bool) {}

// tryBacktrack runs a backtracking search starting at pos.
func (re *Regexp) tryBacktrack(b *bitState, i input, pc uint32, pos int) bool {}

// backtrack runs a backtracking search of prog on the input starting at pos.
func (re *Regexp) backtrack(ib []byte, is string, pos int, ncap int, dstCap []int) []int {}