
type onePassProg

type onePassInst

// onePassPrefix returns a literal string that all matches for the
// regexp must start with. Complete is true if the prefix
// is the entire match. Pc is the index of the last rune instruction
// in the string. The onePassPrefix skips over the mandatory
// EmptyBeginText.
func onePassPrefix(p *syntax.Prog) (prefix string, complete bool, pc uint32) {}

// onePassNext selects the next actionable state of the prog, based on the input character.
// It should only be called when i.Op == InstAlt or InstAltMatch, and from the one-pass machine.
// One of the alternates may ultimately lead without input to end of line. If the instruction
// is InstAltMatch the path to the InstMatch is in i.Out, the normal node in i.Next.
func onePassNext(i *onePassInst, r rune) uint32 {}

func iop(i *syntax.Inst) syntax.InstOp {}

type queueOnePass

func (q *queueOnePass) empty() bool {}

func (q *queueOnePass) next() (n uint32) {}

func (q *queueOnePass) clear() {}

func (q *queueOnePass) contains(u uint32) bool {}

func (q *queueOnePass) insert(u uint32) {}

func (q *queueOnePass) insertNew(u uint32) {}

func newQueue(size int) (q *queueOnePass) {}

const mergeFailed

var noRune

var noNext

func mergeRuneSets(leftRunes, rightRunes *[]rune, leftPC, rightPC uint32) ([]rune, []uint32) {}

// cleanupOnePass drops working memory, and restores certain shortcut instructions.
func cleanupOnePass(prog *onePassProg, original *syntax.Prog) {}

// onePassCopy creates a copy of the original Prog, as we'll be modifying it.
func onePassCopy(prog *syntax.Prog) *onePassProg {}

var anyRuneNotNL

var anyRune

// makeOnePass creates a onepass Prog, if possible. It is possible if at any alt,
// the match engine can always tell which branch to take. The routine may modify
// p if it is turned into a onepass Prog. If it isn't possible for this to be a
// onepass Prog, the Prog nil is returned. makeOnePass is recursive
// to the size of the Prog.
func makeOnePass(p *onePassProg) *onePassProg {}

// compileOnePass returns a new *syntax.Prog suitable for onePass execution if the original Prog
// can be recharacterized as a one-pass regexp program, or syntax.nil if the
// Prog cannot be converted. For a one pass prog, the fundamental condition that must
// be true is: at any InstAlt, there must be no ambiguity about what branch to  take.
func compileOnePass(prog *syntax.Prog) (p *onePassProg) {}