
type Error

func (e *Error) Error() string {}

type ErrorCode

const ErrInternalError

const ErrInvalidCharClass

const ErrInvalidCharRange

const ErrInvalidEscape

const ErrInvalidNamedCapture

const ErrInvalidPerlOp

const ErrInvalidRepeatOp

const ErrInvalidRepeatSize

const ErrInvalidUTF8

const ErrMissingBracket

const ErrMissingParen

const ErrMissingRepeatArgument

const ErrTrailingBackslash

const ErrUnexpectedParen

const ErrNestingDepth

const ErrLarge

func (e ErrorCode) String() string {}

type Flags

const FoldCase

const Literal

const ClassNL

const DotNL

const OneLine

const NonGreedy

const PerlX

const UnicodeGroups

const WasDollar

const Simple

const MatchNL

const Perl

const POSIX

const opLeftParen

const opVerticalBar

const maxHeight

const maxSize

const instSize

const maxRunes

const runeSize

type parser

func (p *parser) newRegexp(op Op) *Regexp {}

func (p *parser) reuse(re *Regexp) {}

func (p *parser) checkLimits(re *Regexp) {}

func (p *parser) checkSize(re *Regexp) {}

func (p *parser) calcSize(re *Regexp, force bool) int64 {}

func (p *parser) checkHeight(re *Regexp) {}

func (p *parser) calcHeight(re *Regexp, force bool) int {}

// push pushes the regexp re onto the parse stack and returns the regexp.
func (p *parser) push(re *Regexp) *Regexp {}

// maybeConcat implements incremental concatenation
// of literal runes into string nodes. The parser calls this
// before each push, so only the top fragment of the stack
// might need processing. Since this is called before a push,
// the topmost literal is no longer subject to operators like *
// (Otherwise ab* would turn into (ab)*.)
// If r >= 0 and there's a node left over, maybeConcat uses it
// to push r with the given flags.
// maybeConcat reports whether r was pushed.
func (p *parser) maybeConcat(r rune, flags Flags) bool {}

// literal pushes a literal regexp for the rune r on the stack.
func (p *parser) literal(r rune) {}

// minFoldRune returns the minimum rune fold-equivalent to r.
func minFoldRune(r rune) rune {}

// op pushes a regexp with the given op onto the stack
// and returns that regexp.
func (p *parser) op(op Op) *Regexp {}

// repeat replaces the top stack element with itself repeated according to op, min, max.
// before is the regexp suffix starting at the repetition operator.
// after is the regexp suffix following after the repetition operator.
// repeat returns an updated 'after' and an error, if any.
func (p *parser) repeat(op Op, min, max int, before, after, lastRepeat string) (string, error) {}

// repeatIsValid reports whether the repetition re is valid.
// Valid means that the combination of the top-level repetition
// and any inner repetitions does not exceed n copies of the
// innermost thing.
// This function rewalks the regexp tree and is called for every repetition,
// so we have to worry about inducing quadratic behavior in the parser.
// We avoid this by only calling repeatIsValid when min or max >= 2.
// In that case the depth of any >= 2 nesting can only get to 9 without
// triggering a parse error, so each subtree can only be rewalked 9 times.
func repeatIsValid(re *Regexp, n int) bool {}

// concat replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '|' or '(') with its concatenation.
func (p *parser) concat() *Regexp {}

// alternate replaces the top of the stack (above the topmost '(') with its alternation.
func (p *parser) alternate() *Regexp {}

// cleanAlt cleans re for eventual inclusion in an alternation.
func cleanAlt(re *Regexp) {}

// collapse returns the result of applying op to sub.
// If sub contains op nodes, they all get hoisted up
// so that there is never a concat of a concat or an
// alternate of an alternate.
func (p *parser) collapse(subs []*Regexp, op Op) *Regexp {}

// factor factors common prefixes from the alternation list sub.
// It returns a replacement list that reuses the same storage and
// frees (passes to p.reuse) any removed *Regexps.
// For example,
// simplifies by literal prefix extraction to
//	A(B(C|D)|EF)|BC(X|Y)
// which simplifies by character class introduction to
//	A(B[CD]|EF)|BC[XY]
func (p *parser) factor(sub []*Regexp) []*Regexp {}

// leadingString returns the leading literal string that re begins with.
// The string refers to storage in re or its children.
func (p *parser) leadingString(re *Regexp) ([]rune, Flags) {}

// removeLeadingString removes the first n leading runes
// from the beginning of re. It returns the replacement for re.
func (p *parser) removeLeadingString(re *Regexp, n int) *Regexp {}

// leadingRegexp returns the leading regexp that re begins with.
// The regexp refers to storage in re or its children.
func (p *parser) leadingRegexp(re *Regexp) *Regexp {}

// removeLeadingRegexp removes the leading regexp in re.
// It returns the replacement for re.
// If reuse is true, it passes the removed regexp (if no longer needed) to p.reuse.
func (p *parser) removeLeadingRegexp(re *Regexp, reuse bool) *Regexp {}

func literalRegexp(s string, flags Flags) *Regexp {}

// Parse parses a regular expression string s, controlled by the specified
// Flags, and returns a regular expression parse tree. The syntax is
// described in the top-level comment.
func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, error) {}

func parse(s string, flags Flags) (_ *Regexp, err error) {}

// parseRepeat parses {min} (max=min) or {min,} (max=-1) or {min,max}.
// If s is not of that form, it returns ok == false.
// If s has the right form but the values are too big, it returns min == -1, ok == true.
func (p *parser) parseRepeat(s string) (min, max int, rest string, ok bool) {}

// parsePerlFlags parses a Perl flag setting or non-capturing group or both,
// like (?i) or (?: or (?i:.  It removes the prefix from s and updates the parse state.
// The caller must have ensured that s begins with "(?".
func (p *parser) parsePerlFlags(s string) (rest string, err error) {}

// isValidCaptureName reports whether name
// is a valid capture name: [A-Za-z0-9_]+.
// PCRE limits names to 32 bytes.
// Python rejects names starting with digits.
// We don't enforce either of those.
func isValidCaptureName(name string) bool {}

// parseInt parses a decimal integer.
func (p *parser) parseInt(s string) (n int, rest string, ok bool) {}

// can this be represented as a character class?
// single-rune literal string, char class, ., and .|\n.
func isCharClass(re *Regexp) bool {}

// does re match r?
func matchRune(re *Regexp, r rune) bool {}

// parseVerticalBar handles a | in the input.
func (p *parser) parseVerticalBar() {}

// mergeCharClass makes dst = dst|src.
// The caller must ensure that dst.Op >= src.Op,
// to reduce the amount of copying.
func mergeCharClass(dst, src *Regexp) {}

// If the top of the stack is an element followed by an opVerticalBar
// swapVerticalBar swaps the two and returns true.
// Otherwise it returns false.
func (p *parser) swapVerticalBar() bool {}

// parseRightParen handles a ) in the input.
func (p *parser) parseRightParen() error {}

// parseEscape parses an escape sequence at the beginning of s
// and returns the rune.
func (p *parser) parseEscape(s string) (r rune, rest string, err error) {}

// parseClassChar parses a character class character at the beginning of s
// and returns it.
func (p *parser) parseClassChar(s, wholeClass string) (r rune, rest string, err error) {}

type charGroup

// parsePerlClassEscape parses a leading Perl character class escape like \d
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parsePerlClassEscape(s string, r []rune) (out []rune, rest string) {}

// parseNamedClass parses a leading POSIX named character class like [:alnum:]
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parseNamedClass(s string, r []rune) (out []rune, rest string, err error) {}

func (p *parser) appendGroup(r []rune, g charGroup) []rune {}

var anyTable

// unicodeTable returns the unicode.RangeTable identified by name
// and the table of additional fold-equivalent code points.
func unicodeTable(name string) (*unicode.RangeTable, *unicode.RangeTable) {}

// parseUnicodeClass parses a leading Unicode character class like \p{Han}
// from the beginning of s. If one is present, it appends the characters to r
// and returns the new slice r and the remainder of the string.
func (p *parser) parseUnicodeClass(s string, r []rune) (out []rune, rest string, err error) {}

// parseClass parses a character class at the beginning of s
// and pushes it onto the parse stack.
func (p *parser) parseClass(s string) (rest string, err error) {}

// cleanClass sorts the ranges (pairs of elements of r),
// merges them, and eliminates duplicates.
func cleanClass(rp *[]rune) []rune {}

// inCharClass reports whether r is in the class.
// It assumes the class has been cleaned by cleanClass.
func inCharClass(r rune, class []rune) bool {}

// appendLiteral returns the result of appending the literal x to the class r.
func appendLiteral(r []rune, x rune, flags Flags) []rune {}

// appendRange returns the result of appending the range lo-hi to the class r.
func appendRange(r []rune, lo, hi rune) []rune {}

const minFold

const maxFold

// appendFoldedRange returns the result of appending the range lo-hi
// and its case folding-equivalent runes to the class r.
func appendFoldedRange(r []rune, lo, hi rune) []rune {}

// appendClass returns the result of appending the class x to the class r.
// It assume x is clean.
func appendClass(r []rune, x []rune) []rune {}

// appendFoldedClass returns the result of appending the case folding of the class x to the class r.
func appendFoldedClass(r []rune, x []rune) []rune {}

// appendNegatedClass returns the result of appending the negation of the class x to the class r.
// It assumes x is clean.
func appendNegatedClass(r []rune, x []rune) []rune {}

// appendTable returns the result of appending x to the class r.
func appendTable(r []rune, x *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {}

// appendNegatedTable returns the result of appending the negation of x to the class r.
func appendNegatedTable(r []rune, x *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {}

// negateClass overwrites r and returns r's negation.
// It assumes the class r is already clean.
func negateClass(r []rune) []rune {}

type ranges

func (ra ranges) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (ra ranges) Len() int {}

func (ra ranges) Swap(i, j int) {}

func checkUTF8(s string) error {}

func nextRune(s string) (c rune, t string, err error) {}

func isalnum(c rune) bool {}

func unhex(c rune) rune {}