
var _cgo_mmap

var _cgo_munmap

// mmap is used to route the mmap system call through C code when using cgo, to
// support sanitizer interceptors. Don't allow stack splits, since this function
// (used by sysAlloc) is called in a lot of low-level parts of the runtime and
// callers often assume it won't acquire any locks.
func mmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, prot, flags, fd int32, off uint32) (unsafe.Pointer, int) {}

func munmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {}

// sysMmap calls the mmap system call. It is implemented in assembly.
func sysMmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, prot, flags, fd int32, off uint32) (p unsafe.Pointer, err int)

// callCgoMmap calls the mmap function in the runtime/cgo package
// using the GCC calling convention. It is implemented in assembly.
func callCgoMmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, prot, flags, fd int32, off uint32) uintptr

// sysMunmap calls the munmap system call. It is implemented in assembly.
func sysMunmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)

// callCgoMunmap calls the munmap function in the runtime/cgo package
// using the GCC calling convention. It is implemented in assembly.
func callCgoMunmap(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)