
type cgoCallers

type argset

// wrapper for syscall package to call cgocall for libc (cgo) calls.
//go:linkname syscall_cgocaller syscall.cgocaller
func syscall_cgocaller(fn unsafe.Pointer, args ...uintptr) uintptr {}

var ncgocall

// Call from Go to C.
// This must be nosplit because it's used for syscalls on some
// platforms. Syscalls may have untyped arguments on the stack, so
// it's not safe to grow or scan the stack.
// cgocall should be an internal detail,
// but widely used packages access it using linkname.
// Notable members of the hall of shame include:
//   - github.com/ebitengine/purego
// Do not remove or change the type signature.
// See go.dev/issue/67401.
//go:linkname cgocall
func cgocall(fn, arg unsafe.Pointer) int32 {}

// Set or reset the system stack bounds for a callback on sp.
// Must be nosplit because it is called by needm prior to fully initializing
// the M.
func callbackUpdateSystemStack(mp *m, sp uintptr, signal bool) {}

// Call from C back to Go. fn must point to an ABIInternal Go entry-point.
func cgocallbackg(fn, frame unsafe.Pointer, ctxt uintptr) {}

func cgocallbackg1(fn, frame unsafe.Pointer, ctxt uintptr) {}

func unwindm(restore *bool) {}

// called from assembly.
func badcgocallback() {}

// called from (incomplete) assembly.
func cgounimpl() {}

var racecgosync

// cgoCheckPointer checks if the argument contains a Go pointer that
// points to an unpinned Go pointer, and panics if it does.
func cgoCheckPointer(ptr any, arg any) {}

const cgoCheckPointerFail

const cgoResultFail

// cgoCheckArg is the real work of cgoCheckPointer. The argument p
// is either a pointer to the value (of type t), or the value itself,
// depending on indir. The top parameter is whether we are at the top
// level, where Go pointers are allowed. Go pointers to pinned objects are
// allowed as long as they don't reference other unpinned pointers.
func cgoCheckArg(t *_type, p unsafe.Pointer, indir, top bool, msg string) {}

// cgoCheckUnknownPointer is called for an arbitrary pointer into Go
// memory. It checks whether that Go memory contains any other
// pointer into unpinned Go memory. If it does, we panic.
// The return values are unused but useful to see in panic tracebacks.
func cgoCheckUnknownPointer(p unsafe.Pointer, msg string) (base, i uintptr) {}

// cgoIsGoPointer reports whether the pointer is a Go pointer--a
// pointer to Go memory. We only care about Go memory that might
// contain pointers.
func cgoIsGoPointer(p unsafe.Pointer) bool {}

// cgoInRange reports whether p is between start and end.
func cgoInRange(p unsafe.Pointer, start, end uintptr) bool {}

// cgoCheckResult is called to check the result parameter of an
// exported Go function. It panics if the result is or contains any
// other pointer into unpinned Go memory.
func cgoCheckResult(val any) {}